Welcome back to a brand new year!
This term we are going to be focusing on a History topic, called Fire! Fire! We will be learning all about The Great Fire of London and The Gunpowder Plot.
Here is some useful information for the term ahead:
PE sessions this term are on a Wednesday and Thursday. Starting from the week beginning 6th September please could you come to school in your P.E. kit on those days.
Spellings are tested each Tuesday morning, which is is also when the new ones are handed out. Please make sure spelling books are in school everyday.
Homework is given out on a Friday, and is due in the following Friday morning. This term homework will typically be based online and you will be able to find the information both on Teams and on here.
As well as the weekly homework, please remember to read regularly at home, along with practising your spellings, and if you are in Year Two, learning your 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
Thank you,
Mrs Gregory