Good Morning!
Wasn’t it a lovely day yesterday? Remember to try and get outside in the garden when the weather is nice and make the most of it. You never know when the rain might come again!
Thank you for sending your nature picture to me Gabbi, it’s fab! I will put a picture of it onto our News page so that everyone else can see it too.
Keep going with all your daily activities.
For Maths today I would like you to go back on the link I gave you yesterday and complete lesson 2.
Keep going with Times Tables Rockstars too. I was really pleased when I logged on yesterday morning and could see that people had already been practising. Remember that you can access Numbots too with the same login if you want to have a go at that.
For your English today and tomorrow we are going to be using the BBC Bitesize lessons. Both lessons will use The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton, one of my favourite childhood books, but the activities are a little bit different, depending whether you are Year One or Two.
Today’s lessons can be found at:
Year One –
Year Two –
There are letters and sounds activities on Education City too.
For your other learning, remember to use the grid of activities.
Have a good day,
Mrs Gregory.