Stiperstones Work – Thursday 23rd April 2020

Hello everyone,

Here are your links again for your work today!


Please read chapter 4 ONLY today – our first book, ‘The Pirate’s Secret’:

Here is the PDF for the Chapter 4 Activities (Thursday) – The Pirate’s Secret – Day 4 Work (Thursday)



Our daily maths lessons can be accessed through this link:

Year 4 –

Year 5 –


Remember only complete 1 lesson a day. Today, you will be Summer term week 1 – Lesson 4 (as lesson 4 is Thursday).


Afternoon activities

Please access this link, which will take you to Classroom secrets ‘Home Learning Timetable’ –

Firstly, scroll down and make sure you are on the correct week ( Monday 20th April) –  then Click on your year group (Year 4 or Year 5) and click on Thursday. This will then give you activities to choose from for today.


Remember everyone, you also need to make sure you keep up with :

  • Weekly spelling practise and test
  • Times table practise (multiplication and division facts)
  • Reading to an adult every day (at least 15 minutes)
  •  A daily physical activity – e.g. The Body Coach P.E session or Classroom Secrets physical Activity


Also,  if you can , try and spend some time in the garden to get some fresh air -maybe you could complete your daily exercise activity in the garden?

Miss L-J