Stiperstones Weekly Work – Monday 13th July to Thursday 13th July – Last week of term!

Hello Stiperstones,

Here is your last week of work before the summer holidays!

We are continuing with the daily maths lessons on White Rose, again the videos for each lesson each day can be accessed through these links:

Year 4 –

Year 5 –

Once on that link, you should find the Summer term week 12 (Week 13th July ) pink section.

Once you are sure you are on Summer Term Week 11 (Week 6th July), then you need to follow each lesson for this week. The videos follow this pattern:

  • Lesson 1 on Monday
  • Lesson 2 on Tuesday
  • Lesson 3 on Wednesday
  • Lesson 4 on Thursday
  • You do not need to do a lesson on Friday this week as term finishes on Thursday!

All can be found in Summer Term week 12 via the above links.

Remember there is one lesson per day only.

Remember , like the last few weeks, for each lesson, you firstly watch the lesson video on the left through the usual links to White Rose, however – remember there is no longer be a  ‘Get the activity’ button on the right, from now on – you will need to click on my separate links for the worksheets and answer sheets (see below). You can either print the activity sheets OR complete the activity in your books or on paper. You can still check your work after you have finished or ask an adult to help mark your work with you.

Here are the worksheets and answers – they are in folders below. The best thing is to download each folder now for your year group and then within the folders are the worksheets and answers for each day this week Monday to Thursday. Remember Friday will be the challenge on the White Rose video page.


Year 4 Maths folders for the whole week





Year 5 Maths folders for the whole week




Remember you can if you want to, but you don’t have to do the maths challenge on Friday as term finishes on Thursday! If you would like to do it anyway, as usual the maths challenge accessed through main links to White Rose maths.


Reading and Writing

For reading, the instructions are the same this week – each day you will still need to access ‘Fiction Express’ you will all have received a log in to access the website from Mrs Winwood – if you have not had your log in information for Fiction Express, or if you are struggling to access the site, please contact Mrs Winwood.

Once you have logged on, you will need to access the new book online that we will all read together (each week I will continue to choose a new book for you to read).  You will  complete a little quiz each day after the chapter (the link for quiz each day will be on the same webpage as the chapter for the book).

This is the link to our next book:


Like usual,  there are 5 chapters one for each day of the school week, but as term finishes on Thursday, feel free to read the last chapter (chapter 5, which you would normally read on a Friday) on Thursday after you read Chapter 4. 

To read each chapter, open the link above, click the little arrow pointing down next to the chapter you are on (so today will be Chapter 1 as it is Monday), and then click the ‘Read’ button.

So, you will read :

  • Chapter 1 on Monday
  • Chapter 2 on Tuesday
  • Chapter 3 on Wednesday
  • Chapter 4 on Thursday
  • Chapter 5 on Thursday too if you wish, rather than Friday.

After reading each chapter, you will complete the little quiz for that day.

There are also some reading comprehension questions and writing activities in a booklet  to work through after reading each chapter. Here are the links to each activity booklet for each day. Please ensure you complete some of the writing work for each chapter.

Please note – The booklets will say Week 1, Week 2 etc. on them, but we are using these as Chapter 1 day 1, Chapter 2 day 2 etc. if you can not print the activity book, do not worry! you can always complete the tasks in your exercise books or on paper. I understand that there is a lot in each booklet, so try your best – I understand that you may not get a whole booklet done each day, and this is okay as long as you have done some of the writing tasks!

 If you have any problems accessing work, you can always contact Mrs Winwood at school.

Chapter 1 activities –  activities-stop-that-sorcerer-chapter-1

Chapter 2 Activities – activities-stop-that-sorcerer-chapter-2

Chapter 3 Activities – activities-stop-that-sorcerer-chapter-3

Chapter 4 Activities – activities-stop-that-sorcerer-chapter-4

Chapter 5 Activities – activities-stop-that-sorcerer-chapter-5

Note -you do not have to complete Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 activities if you are reading both chapters on the same day due to term finishing on Thursday. 


Tip! – Where you see the ‘Quiz’ button for each chapter, you will also see a ‘glossary’ button. If you do not understand the meaning of any words in the story, check here in the glossary. This will help with the meaning of some new words!

So to recap – each day for reading and writing, you will:

  1. go to this link for our new book
  2. first read the correct chapter for that day (click on ‘read’ button next to each chapter)
  3. then complete the short quiz for that chapter (click on ‘quiz’ button next to each chapter)
  4. then click on the correct activity booklet (above) and complete the comprehension questions and some of the grammar and writing activities for that chapter (if you can not print, don’t worry! you can complete these in your exercise books).

 BBC Bitesize English Lessons

As we started last week, I would like you to complete BBC Bitesize English each day. These are really beneficial lessons for you Stiperstones, as they cover a good range of English skills including some valuable grammar and punctuation lessons.

Like last week, here is the link below – click on this link each day – click on your relevant class (Year 4 or Year 5 ) and then select the ‘English’ lesson – please do this each day: 

Please also try some of the other lessons from the BBC Bitesize website each day – these are really fun too! These lessons cover other subjects, like Science, Geography and History and are really interesting – the children who are currently in school love them!

As always – Please remember to ensure that you are still completing the usual daily tasks:

  • Practising your spellings (see our class spelling page of our school website to see your weekly spelling lists) and have a spelling test each week with an adult to see how you got on.
  • Also practise your times tables each day, both multiplication and division facts – e.g. you should learn that 20 ÷ 5 = 4 as well as 5 x 4= 20 so when practising, ask an adult to help you practise and test you on both multiplication and division (you can also use Times Tables Rock stars for this – the ‘Sound check’ part of Times Tables Rock stars will really help with your speed!).
  • Please also read to an adult each day (this could be the chapter of our book on Fiction Express if you like, or you can read this to yourself and read any other book you are reading at home to an adult)


There are also still lots of work out videos for children from Joe Wicks, The Boy Coach on his YouTube –


Please get in touch with school by sending Mrs Winwood an email If you have any problems with work.

Just one more week to go until summer holidays everyone!


Miss L-J