Today we have spent time in class talking about and reflecting on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and being thankful for her life. We have talked about her life of service making her a hero for us. Here are some of our thoughts.
Today we have spent time in class talking about and reflecting on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and being thankful for her life. We have talked about her life of service making her a hero for us. Here are some of our thoughts.
Today we have been using the work of L.S. Lowry to explore how to create perspective in our sketches. We worked hard to include some of the typical features seen in Lowry’s work, including terraced streets and factories.
Here are some of our sketches.
Today Haughmond have had a lovely day learning about life in a castle. We enjoyed dressing up and all wanted a turn in the stocks after learning about the dungeons!
Today we reached the nineties in our tour of the decades. I gave the children the mystery object below to study and have challenged them that for their homework they need to work out what it is, what it was used for and how it worked! I hope the children’s answers don’t make you feel as old as I do now!
On Friday 27th May we joined with a whole school Jubilee picnic to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s 70 years on the throne. Ro and Claire provided us with a packed lunch and some delicious red, white and blue cakes! We all had a really lovely day and are looking forward to continuing all our learning about Queen Elizabeth’s reign next half term.
On Friday we used our designs to make our coleslaws ready for our Jubilee picnic. We had thought carefully about our design brief and had designed coleslaws that we felt were fit for a Queen, ‘Royal colours’ and crunchy.
We have had great fun today making our Jubilee coleslaws (pictures will be on our Haughmond News page). Most of us have managed to save some to bring home for our families to taste too!
For homework, I would like you to taste test your coleslaw with your family. I would like you to find out and record what other people thought about the appearance, texture, taste and smell of your coleslaw. Record what they said and bring it to school after half term so you can use their comments in your evaluation.
Also, please take a photo of yourself (and others) eating your coleslaw and e-mail it to the school office or Mrs Gregory so that they can be added to your DT books.
In Haughmond this week we have been learning the National Anthem with Makaton signs. The children have said they would like to be able to keep practising and share this, and the decades dance we have joined in with, with you at home. The links for both videos are below.
Today we started our Jubilee DT project to create a coleslaw fit for a Queen and that we can share with others at our Jubilee Picnic at the end of the week.
We began our topic by exploring existing products and evaluating them in terms of smell, appearance, texture and taste. We all really enjoyed the tasting activity, but our responses to the flavours were mixed!
For the next couple of weeks I would like you work really hard at learning your 2, 5 and 10 times tables and the division facts that go with them.
Here are some websites that you can use to help your practising.
There are also lots of apps that can help you remember the facts.
Also, I would like you to keep practising your addition and subtraction facts. You could use the 1 Minute Maths App from White Rose to help you with this. It is free to download.
I would like you to try and spend some time practising each day in order to really secure your knowledge of these facts.