September 21
Welcome back to those who were in Pimhill before the holidays and welcome to all our new starters. In Pimhill there is myself Mrs Foster the class teacher, Mrs James and Mrs Mukhopadhyay (pronounced Mukherjee) Teaching assistants.
We have had a brilliant couple of days with all the children happy and settled into school. I’m looking forward to getting back to lots of fun activities.
This term our main topic is going to be about ‘Celebrate me celebrate the world.’ We will be looking polar regions of the world and where they are in relation to the equator. We will find out about the past and look at Mary Anning and the work she did in discovering fossils. In other areas of learning we will also be exploring the local environment and learning about our senses. In Computing, we will begin the term by learning about the importance of staying safe when using technological devices After half term we will be making puppets for our DT learning.
In English our main texts will be Peace at last and The three little Pigs. There will be a phonics session for the class every day linked to both reading and spelling. Individual reading books will be sent home and will only be swapped the children with support by a member of staff in Pimhill,
In Maths we are continuing with our Mastery Approach to our learning and will be starting this term by ensuring we have a really good understanding of Number and Place Value before moving on to calculations. We will also be practising our number bonds each week so that we can secure these facts and use them to base our other learning on.
P.E. will be taught by Miss Ryan and will be on a Thursday morning starting the week of the 6th September. Children need to come into school in their P.E. kit on those days please.
Music will be taught by Mrs Kessel – Fell .
We will be having forest school sessions and again the children will need to come dressed ready on a Wednesday. More information on this will follow.
As always, my door is open for any queries, questions, or problems you may have. Either catch me on the gate or give Mrs Winwood a call in the school office to organise this.
I look forward to working with you and your children.
Mrs Foster.