Message from the Friends of Bomere Heath School:
The Summer Fair is being held this Saturday, 7 July, on the school field, from 12 – 3 pm
We need the following donations please!
1. Teddies/soft toys for the teddy Tombola
2. Bottles ( alcohol, pop, shampoo… anything in a bottle!) for the Bottlebola
3. Tombola items- literally anything as long as it’s in date, and in new condition
4. Lucky dip items for the lucky dip stall- Bags will be coming home tomorrow (sweets/small toys/gifts)
5. Cakes for the refreshment stands please! Bring them on the day.
Thank you so much! We rely on these donations to make the whole fair possible!
**** We also urgently need parent volunteers to Man a stall on Saturday! ****
We need 18 volunteers and currently have only 8- you will just need to help on a stall for an hour and then have the rest of the fair to enjoy yourselves.
Friends will have a table outside school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to collect you donations – Please be generous, Friends aim to give you and your child(ren) a good fun time at the Fair and raise money for school to benefit your child(ren)