Wrekin Learning – Monday 27th April 2020

Hey all! I hope you’ve had a pleasant weekend! We finally got some rain – it was long overdue and we did need it on the gardens! This week will be wetter and cooler than we’ve seen in a while.

I know that you have been trying hard on the White Rose Maths. There were a few tricky questions on the Friday Challenge – we have not covered how to approach some of those later questions! I should have told you that the Friday Challenges are given to all year groups up to Year 10 – so they get tricky rather quickly! If you can get to Challenge 4/5/6, that’s great! I’m sorry if anyone got worried about their maths on Friday.

I have set a Year 5 vs Year 6 battle on TT Rockstars! Who will win? It opens today until Friday – I will reveal the results next week!

So onto today’s work!

Did anyone watch Primate on BBC last night? It was quite remarkable! There were some amazing, and some quite strange, primate behaviours going on! It’s worth catching up on iPlayer.


Have a great day – it seems strange I won’t be seeing you – as I would usually be preparing you for SATs tests this week, but keep you heads held high and put your efforts into your work and enjoying your family time!

Mr F