Hi there everyone!
I am in school today as we are opening to the Reception pupils. It is really nice to welcome children back, and I look forward to seeing more pupils in school over the next few weeks. School will be quite different to what the Reception students remember, as we have to follow lots of special rules about social distancing and hygiene. Children have to wash their hands regularly and they must try to keep a safe distance apart.
Here is some work for today:
- Please have a go at the extra lessons at the bottom of the page if you want a challenge!
- Year 5 Maths:
Extra help and guidance can be found here: Bitesize Maths Worksheets: Lesson 4 – Order and compare decimals 2019 Lesson 4 Answers – Order and compare decimals 2019
- Year 6 Maths:
Extra help and guidance can be found here: Bitesize Maths Worksheets: Lesson 4 – Solve simple one-step equations 2019 Lesson 4 Answers – Solve simple one-step equations 2019
- English: I am setting reading today as a priority – I was so proud this morning to see that 12 of you have carried on reading from Fiction Express – Cosmo Mars and the Vanishing Woman – this really has made my day! I would like you to catch up on this book ready for the Fifth Chapter tomorrow!
- Extra English: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znjnv82
Extra Challenges:
- Maths: Parts of a Circle
- English: Direct Speech
- Try this Countdown Maths Challenge:
Have a fab day,
Mr Field