
In maths we are adding by counting on …..

17+ 5 =22

Remember count on  from the 17 …

“18 19 20 21 22 “

Did you count the correct number on?

What happens when ….. by Delphine Chedru

We are reading this fun book about what happens when we lose things?

Can you think of some fun answers to these questions?

What happen when …..

my balloon floats up into the sky?

my bucket is left behind on the beach?

my left sock slips behind the radiator?

the pebble that falls out of my pocket?

and my teacher during the summer break?

What happens when…….

We have been reading a fun book called /??What happens when…….

Can you come up with some fun answers to what happens when…..

my balloon floats away into the sky?

to my teddy when I leave it at the park?

to my teacher during the summer break?

to a pebble that falls out of my pocket?

to my bucket when I leave it at the beach?