Monday 1st June

Good Morning Pimhill,

I hope that you have had a wonderful week in the sunshine, lots of children around me have been in their paddling pools. I hope you have had as much fun as them.

This week we will continue with the English with Oak academy so here are the links:

Maths we will continue with white rose. Here are the links to the lessons and resources needed: I will link the worksheets for the whole week then you can access them when you want. You can find these in class news too.

Education city and Reading eggs are also available.

Have a great day

Mrs Foster




Good morning Pimhill

Its a windy morning here in Ellesmere, what is the weather like in Bomere? It seems to me that we have had lots of different weathers of the past couple of days. Its been sunny, windy, rainy cloudy recently.

How does the weather affect our lives.

Continue with the English and maths from oak academy and white rose.

Try the phonics on twinkl or education city.


Have a good day and great half term.

Mrs Foster



21st May

Hello Pimhill,

I hope you enjoyed the sunshine yesterday I would imagine that lots of you were playing outside in your paddling pools.

Today carry on the English from the oak academy and the Maths from White Rose.

Remember the activity sheets are linked on Monday.

Don’t forget to practice your number formation. Here are some things to help you

Have a good day

Mrs Foster


Wednesday 20th May

Good Morning Pimhill

Carry on with the Maths and English form yesterday. Remember the work sheets are on Monday’s page.

Did anyone make a game yesterday?

Lots of you have been doing handwriting at home, here are some resources to help.

Year 1’s you can have a go at joining.

Reception here are some for you.

Don’t forget to look at the class news for todays clue as to who make the robot costume.

If you have any photos you would like me to put up on the website please send them to Mrs Winwood.

Have a good day

Mrs Foster


Tuesday 19th May

Good Morning Pimhill,

Continue with the English and maths from yesterday, the links and work sheets are all linked yesterday.

Phonics activities are available on  Twinkl  or education city.

During my phone calls lots of you are telling me about games you are playing, here are some resources for you to make your own game. Can you add questions or puzzles on the board.

Have fun and challenge someone in your family.

Mrs Foster

Monday 18th May

Good Morning Pimhill,

I hope you have had a good weekend.

This week we will be using Oak Academy for our English

Here are the links:


Year 1

Reception you are looking at planting seeds linked to Jack and the beanstalk.

Year 1 you are writing information texts about dinosaurs.

Maths is white rose, you can access the activities here:

The work sheets for the week  can be accessed here:





Reception you can complete either the reception or year 1 maths.

I hope you have a good day

Mrs Foster


Friday 15th May

Good morning Pimhill,

Continue with the English on oak Academy, I know some of you have loved the ‘Tiger who cam to tea’ this week.

Some of you are telling me that you enjoy white rose maths some of you enjoy maths on twinkl. keep doing what you enjoy and what works for you.

Lots of you are doing your own projects at home. I know there is lots of planting and cooking going on. Keep doing what you enjoy.

The most popular work seems to be reading eggs and education city so enjoy completing the activities on these.

Phonics is also on the Twinkl home learning hub if you’ve done everything on education city.

If you are cooking can you write or draw you recipe?

These links might help.

Have a good day

Mrs Foster