Homework 4th December 2020

This week there is homework related to our learning in Maths on Education City.

Also, after our learning about Wilfred Owen, can you find out whether there is anyone in your family who fought in World War One? If there is, choose a way to share information about them so that you can share it with our class. You have the rest of term to create your work.

Homework 27th November 2020

This week we have been learning about money in maths. We have been using an activity online to help us sort, count and order money. Your homework this week is to spend time using this to really become secure in your understanding of the different coins and how to use them. There are lots of different activities you can try by clicking on the link below.

Money Activity. 

Homework 20.11.20

This week please could you spend some time on Times Tables Rockstars and Reading Eggs. Try and spend a bit of time on each one a few times over the week.

Also, please could you read with your grown up at home. It’s important to be remembering to do this as often as you can and writing in your reading record. If you don’t know where your reading record is then let me know on Monday and I will get you a new one.

Homework 13th November 2020

Well done for all you fantastic poppies! I have put them up in the classroom this afternoon and they look fab!

This week you have got some Maths and English activities on Education City to complete. They are all linked to some of the learning we have been doing in class this week.

Homework 6.11.2020

Tuesday next week is Remembrance Day. For your homework this week I would like you to create a poppy so that we can create a class display. It is up to you how you would like your poppy to look along with what you choose to make it out of.

When you bring them into school we will put them to one side for a couple of days before we make our final display.