Friday 26th June 2020

Good Morning!

What a dramatic start to the day the thunder has been! We have decided in school that we would like to learn about thunderstorms today!


Year One, today you are continuing your learning about comparing numbers.

Year One Video

Friday’s Activity

Year Two, as usual you are going to be completing the Friday Family Maths challenge, that you can access via the BBC Home Learning website.


Year One, you are continuing to write your information text.

Friday’s Lesson

Year Two, today you are writing a character description.

Friday’s Lesson

Have a good weekend,

Mrs G.

Wednesday 24th June 2020


Year Two, you are combining your learning so far this week and describing movement and turns.

Wednesday’s Video

Wednesday’s Activity


If you have been in school with me this week, I would like you to choose another sea creature and create a factfile for them.

If you have not been in school, then I would like you to do the lessons below:

Year One, today you are developing your creature.

Wednesday’s Lesson

Year Two, you are adding detail to expanded noun phrases.

Wednesday’s Lesson


Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Good Morning Haughmond!


Year One, today you are partitioning numbers.

Tuesday’s Video

Tuesday’s Activity

Year Two, today you are describing turns.

Tuesday’s Video

Tuesday’s Activity


Year One, today you are creating your own creature.

Tuesday’s Lesson

Year Two, today you are making inferences

Tuesday’s Lesson

Yesterday in school we did some drawing natural objects bu going outside and finding something to draw. We examined it closely with a magnifying glass and then tried really hard to include all the details. Maybe you would like to do something similar at home?

Have a good day,

Mrs G.

Monday 22nd June 2020

Good Morning Haughmond!

I hope you had a good weekend and managed to get out and about in between the rain showers!


Year One, today you are learning about counting to 100.

Year One Video

Monday’s Activity

Year Two, you are looking at describing movement today

Monday’s Video

Monday’s Activity


Year One, this week you are learning about information texts.

Monday’s Lesson

Year Two, today you are retrieving information.

Monday’s Lesson

Have a good day,

Mrs G.

Friday 19th June 2020

Hello Haughmond,

Friday is here again already!


Please remember to ask a grown up to test you on your spellings and you can then begin to learn your new ones for next week.

Year One – you are going to be continuing to write our recount.

Friday’s Lesson

Year Two, today you are writing your own action scene.

Friday’s Lesson


Year One, instead of the Friday Maths Challenge, this week you are learning about grouping.

Friday Video

Friday’s Activity

If you do finish and want some more, you can always follow Year Two’s link to the maths challenge

Year Two, you are doing the Friday maths challenge which as usual you can access via the BBC Bitesize Home Learning website.

This weekend is also the Summer Solstice and English Heritage will be streaming this from Stonehenge for people to watch online. If you would like to watch it, it will be available on their social media sites.

I hope you all have a good weekend,

Mrs G.


Thursday 18th June 2020

Good Morning Haughmond!

What a miserable day!

In school Sam chose a Trolls yoga for us to do on Tuesday. You can try it out here: Trolls Yoga

Today at 11am The Duchess of Cambridge is going to be taking part in a live assembly on the Oak Academy website. Assembly


Year One – Today you are beginning to write a recount.

Thursday’s Lesson

Year Two – you are going to be identifying the key features of action scenes

Thursday’s Lesson


Year One, today you are sharing into equal groups.

Thursday’s Video

Thursday’s Activity

Year Two, today is about patterns.

Thursday’s Video

Thursday Activity

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Mrs G.

Wednesday 17th June 2020

Good Morning Haughmond!

Halfway through the week!


Today I would like you to spend some time on Reading Eggs.

Year One – Today you are learning to use the first person and past tense.

Wednesday’s Lesson

Year Two – you are learning to use powerful verbs and adverbs.

Wednesday’s Lesson


Year One, today you have got an activity which will help your learning about arrays.

Wednesday Activity

Year Two, you are sorting 2D and 3D shapes.

Wednesday’s Video

Wednesday’s Activity

Stay safe,

Mrs G.