Food Bank Donations

As part of World Book Day, some of the children suggested that we should bring in donations for the Food Bank at St. Barnabas Church in Shrewsbury, in order to help the people affected by the recent floods. Our donations will be taken to the Food Bank this weekend where they will be distributed to those that need them.

Thank you to everyone that sent something in.

Look what a lot of donations we have collected!

Waterproof Materials

As part of our Science this half term we have been learning about significant British scientists and inventors. We learnt about Charles Macintosh and waterproof materials. We thought about the floods in Shrewsbury and then investigated different materials to make waterproof outfits for people who have to work in the floods. We then wrote to the Environment Agency with our findings.


Australia Day

On Monday 27th January we celebrated Australia Day in order to raise money for people and animals affected by the bushfires. We learnt all about Koalas and also did some amazing aboriginal style dot paintings!