Friday 12th June 2020

Good Morning!

It’s the end of another week. Have you got anything exciting planned this weekend?

Today I am going to upload a video of an Open the Book that Rev Hannah has made for us along with Rev Mary-Lou and Pat.


It is the final day of the TTR tournament and this week Year One are in the lead! Gabbi currently has the most points, well done!

Today is the Friday family maths challenge. However, this week it is a little but different! White Rose have teamed up with the Premier League to create today’s lessons.

Year One Lesson

Year Two Lesson


Spelling test day today! Remember to ask a grown up in your house to test you on this week’s words.

Year One, today you are continuing to write your story.

Friday’s Lesson

Year Two, today you are learning about diary entries.

Friday’s Lesson

Have a good day and a good weekend.

Mrs G.