Friday 2nd October, due Thursday 8th October 2020

Hello Stiperstones!

Here is your homework for this week:


Once again we would like you to use Times Tables Rockstars to practise your times tables.

Science – 

I apologise that last weeks Science homework was linked with the lesson that we were not able to do because of Harvest Practise, so this can be completed this week if you haven’t already done it.

See below:

Harry Potters Homework

If you have completed the homework last week, can you try and write a fact file about a chosen type of Vertebrate. e.g you could write a fact file about mammals, reptiles or birds.


Please continue to read for at least 15 minutes every day, to an adult if possible.


For this weeks class spellings, once again please see the Stiperstones Class Spelling Page.

You should have completed this homework by next Thursday.

See you next week.


Miss Lloyd-Jones