Homework Friday 6th November for Thursday 12th November 2020

Hi Everybody

Spellings – As usual, please see the Stiperstones spelling page.

Like before half term, you could also click on Practice/Test on Spelling frame  which gives a random list of words for your age group. This would be good to practise extra spellings if you would like to:

Year 5 – https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/75/62-Random-selection-of-12-words-taken-from-years-5-and-6-word-list 

Year 4 –https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/74/36-Random-selection-of-12-words-taken-from-years-3-and-4-word-list

Reading: Please Remember to be reading to an adult each day. This should be for roughly 15 minutes a time.This is really important and some of you are reluctant to read – but this must be done!

English –  For English, I would like you to remind yourself about verbs. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/zpxhdxs

Please access this link above and complete the quiz.

Can you make a brain storm of some of the verbs you can think of?

We also need to remember to keep on top of times tables at https://ttrockstars.com/

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Miss Lloyd-Jones