Monday 27th April 2020

Good Morning Haughmond,

I hope you all had a good weekend and enjoyed the nice weather.

This week we are going to continue to look at a few different ways of doing things.

For Maths you have the link for the Week 2 of maths on the White Rose website, remembering to only do one lesson a day please.

Year One you are starting the week looking at fractions, beginning with halves –

Year Two, today you are going to be comparing lengths –

I have also set up another Battle for you in TTR. Year One against Year Two. Every week so far Year One have spent more time practising than Year Two, so can you beat them this week Year Two? Remember to keep practising the other parts of the website as well as just battling.

Year One I would like you to look at the phonics live lessons that Mrs Foster put a link to in our news page last week. Year Two, you can also have a go, but for most of you it will just be revision of what you already know.

Please could you all also use the link on that post to look at some of the reading books. You can do this alongside carrying on with Reading Eggs.

For the rest of your English this week, we are going to be using week one of the lessons on Oak National Academy. These will follow a sequence, so if you miss a day you will need to complete the previous day before moving on.

Year One: 

Year Two:

For your other activities, have a look at your activities grid and pick something from that to have a go at.

Keep up the good work!

Mrs G