Good Morning Haughmond and Happy Star Wars Day,
May the Fourth be with you!
I hope you’ve had a good weekend. We were very glad that the rain held off in Market Drayton so we could get outside again.
Well done to everyone in the TTR battle last week and a massive wow to Lara who scored a very impressive 5,750 points for Year Two! This week I am going to set the battle from Wednesday, so today and tomorrow I would like you to practise your normal training.
In Maths we are now on Week Three in the White Rose activities.
Year One, today you are looking at part whole relationships, which lots of you are reall good at anyway so it will be a bit of revision to keep in fresh in your mind. The link is here: Monday
Year Two, you are looking at addition and subtraction facts to 20. Like Year One, this will be some revision, but I know you are all quicker at adding than subtracting so I know it will be useful for you to do. Your link is here: Monday
For your English, we are again going to be use the National Oak Academy like last week.
Year One, this week you are going to be learning about St George and the Dragon, which will link to St George’s Day which was a couple of weeks ago. Lesson one is learning the story and is here: Monday
Year Two, you are continuing your learning about The Firework Maker’s Daughter. Today you will be making inferences: Monday
Remember to also keep going with your reading, handwriting and spelling too.
Keep up the good work!
Mrs G.