Hi class,
Spellings – For spellings please see the Stiperstones spelling page.
You could also click on Practice/Test on Spelling frame which gives a random list of words for your age group. This would be good to practise extra spellings if you would like to:
Reading: Please Remember to be reading to an adult each day. This should be for roughly 15 minutes a time. This is really important and some of you are reluctant to read – but this must be done!
English – For English, please visit this web page explaining how to use possessive apostrophes https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvwwxnb/articles/zx9ydxs
Please access this link above. There is a video and you can complete the quiz.
This will help with our English lessons next week!
Can you write 10 of your own sentences with possessive apostrophes?
Also, remember to keep on top of times tables! https://ttrockstars.com/
Have a lovely weekend, see you Monday
Miss Lloyd-Jones