Stiperstones Weekly Work – Monday 27th April to Friday 1st May 2020

Hi everyone!

I hope you have all had a great weekend and have hopefully tried some baking and gardening!

Here is your work for this week, this will follow the same format as last week:


Each week there will be daily maths lessons on White Rose, which again can be accessed through these links:

Year 4 –

Year 5 –

Once on that link, you should find the Summer term week 2 (Week 27th April) section (this will be below Summer Term Week 1, which you completed last week).

Once you are sure you are on Summer Term Week 2 (Week 27th April), then you need to follow each lesson for this week:

  •  Lesson 1 on Monday
  • Lesson 2 on Tuesday
  • Lesson 3 on Wednesday
  • Lesson 4 on Thursday
  • Lesson 5 on Friday

All can be found in Summer Term week 2 via the above links.

There is one lesson per day, and please stick to this, then we are all in the same place, as next Monday there will be a new week to access with another 5 lessons.

Remember , like last week, for each lesson, you firstly watch the lesson video on the left, and then click ‘Get the activity’ button on the right, complete the activity in your books and then click the ‘get the answers’ button to check your work – remember you can diddy dot or tiny tick and then make corrections underneath your work like we do in class. You could even ask an adult to help mark your work with you.

If you are running out of room in your books,  you can always contact the school by phone or email ( Mrs Winwood – admin ) and you can come to the office to collect one.


Reading and Writing

For reading, each day you will still need to access ‘Fiction Express’ you will all have received a log in to access the website from Mrs Winwood – if you have not had your log in information for Fiction Express, please contact her and she will give this to you.

Once you have logged on, you will need to access the new book online that we will all read together (each week I will choose a new book for you to read). You will read a chapter a day (Chapter 1 Monday, Chapter 2 Tuesday, Chapter 3 Wednesday, Chapter 4 Thursday and Chapter 5 on Friday). You will then complete a little quiz each day after the chapter (the link for quiz each day will be on the same webpage as the chapter for the book).

This is the link to our next book, I hope you will enjoy it, it is a really exciting mystery thriller!

It is called ‘The Curious Case of Dr Salamander’ by Damian Harvey

You will see there are 5 chapters, one for each day of the week. To read each chapter, click on the link above, click the little arrow pointing down next to the chapter you are on and then click the ‘Read’ button.

So, you will read :

  • Chapter 1 on Monday
  • Chapter 2 on Tuesday
  • Chapter 3 on Wednesday
  • Chapter 4 on Thursday
  • Chapter 5 on Friday

After reading each chapter, you will complete the little quiz for that day.

There are also some reading comprehension questions and writing activities in a booklet  to work through after reading each chapter. Here are the links to each activity booklet for each day.

 If you have ay problems accessing work, please contact Mrs Winwood at school.

Chapter 1 activities (Monday) – The Curious Case of Dr Salamander – Chapter 1 Activities (Monday)

Chapter 2 Activities (Tuesday) – The Curious Case of Dr Salamander – Chapter 2 Activities (Tuesday)

Chapter 3 Activities (Wednesday) – The Curious Case of Dr Salamander – Chapter 3 Activities (Wednesday)

Chapter 4 Activities (Thursday) – The Curious Case of Dr Salamander – Chapter 4 Activities (Thursday)

Chapter 5 Activities (Friday) – The Curious Case of Dr Salamander – Chapter 5 Activities (Friday)

Tip! – Where you see the ‘Quiz’ button for each chapter, you will also see a ‘glossary’ button. If you do not understand the meaning of any words in the story, check here in the glossary. This will help with the meaning of some new words!

So to recap – each day for reading and writing this week, you will:

  1. go to this link for our new book-
  2. first read the correct chapter for that day (click on ‘read’ button next to each chapter)
  3. then complete the short quiz for that chapter (click on ‘quiz’ button next to each chapter)
  4. then click on the correct activity booklet (above) and complete the comprehension questions and activities for that chapter (if you can not print, don’t worry! you can complete these in your exercise books).


Other activities (including afternoon activities)

Like last week, for other activities, including afternoon tasks, please access this link below which will take you to Classroom secrets ‘Home Learning Timetable’ –

TIP ! You may find it easier to access this link first each day, check the daily timetable and choose your activities from this, and THEN decide where you will fit in your reading /writing (Fiction Express) and maths lessons (White Rose) within this timetable.

To access the correct daily time table for you, click on the link above, scroll down and make sure you are on the correct week (this week will be week beginning Monday 27th April), then Click on your year group (either Year 4 or Year 5) and then click on the correct day (so today, you will click on Monday). This will then give you activities to choose from for each lesson. You can choose one from each section of the time table. Please try to vary the type of activities you choose. There will be a physical exercise on this timetable for you to complete each day.

Remember, please ensure that you are still completing the usual daily tasks:

  • Practising your spellings (see our class spelling page of our school website to see your weekly spelling lists) and have a spelling test each week with an adult to see how you got on.
  • Also practise your times tables each day, both multiplication and division facts – e.g. you should learn that 20 ÷ 5 = 4 as well as 5 x 4= 20 so when practising, ask an adult to help you practise and test you on both multiplication and division (you can also use Times Tables Rock stars for this – the ‘Sound check’ part of Times Tables Rock stars will really help with your speed!).
  • Please also read to an adult each day (this could be the chapter of our book on Fiction Express if you like, or you can read this to yourself and read any other book you are reading at home to an adult)

These are very important!

You can also continue to take part in the Joe Wicks (Body Coach) daily workout if you have been enjoying this, I know I have, especially his fancy dress Fridays! You could even send us in a photograph of you in costume if you take part! These work outs are still live at 9:00 am each weekday morning and are available to catch up with (if you miss the session) each day on YouTube –


If you have any questions, or problems with work online, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Winwood via email. Also, please feel free to send in any work or photographs of activities you would like me to see. Mrs Winwood will send them over to me. I would love to see what you get up to!


Have a great second week of term, keep busy, keep me updated and have fun!


Miss L-J