Here are the specific links for todays work:
Please read capter 1 ONLY today – our first book, ‘The Pirate’s Secret’:
Chapter 1 activities (Monday) –
If this doesn’t work, please use the PDF –
The Pirate’s Secret – Day 1 Work (Monday)
Our daily maths lessons can be accessed through this link:
Year 4 –
Year 5 –
There is one lesson per day – you will be Summer term week 1 – Lesson 1 (as lesson 1 is Monday)
Afternoon activities
Please access this link, which will take you to Classroom secrets ‘Home Learning Timetable’ –
Firstly, scroll down and make sure you are on the correct week ( Monday 20th April) – then Click on your year group and click on Monday. This will then give you activities to choose from.
This is in addition to :
- Weekly spelling practise and test
- Times table practise (multiplication and divison facts
- Reading to an adult every day (at least 15 minues)
- A daily physical activity – e.g. The Body Coach P.E session or Classroom Secrets physical Activity
I hope this is clear for you all,
Remember to have fun and send in any work or photographs to Mrs Winwood for me to see – I would love to hear from you!
Miss L-J