Tuesday 31st March 2020

Good morning!

Well done to everyone who logged onto TTR yesterday. I am really impressed to see the scores going up so quickly.


Please carry on with your phonics activities on Education City and practising your spellings and handwriting.

Yesterday you shared The Queen’s Knickers with your grown up, and found out about the different knickers that the queen has for different occasions and the special features that some of the pairs have, such as the parachute. Today I would like you design and draw your own special pair of Queen’s knickers, including at least three special features and write a description of the knickers and these features.


Today is my biggest boy, Josh’s 16th birthday, so I thought some birthday maths would be a good idea!

This challenge is about finding a variety of ways of asking questions which make the number that is your age.

For example, if Josh was doing it, it might look like this

See how many different ways you can come up. See how imaginative you can be, and there are bonus points for anyone that is able to find ways for all four calculation types.


This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday. The day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Today I would like you to watch the story of Dan the Donkey https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00wg4xt and talk about it with someone else in your house. Then, have a go at making either a palm leaf, or a palm cross. There are instructions that you could use here: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-t-19239-palm-sunday-make-a-palm-leaf and https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/palm-cross-craft-instructions-t2-re-712

Remember your daily activities are also always there for you. I would like to see some of your having a go at the Soundcheck on TTR. This part of the program will help you increase your speed. It will be a challenge but you will get better each time you practise.

I will be really interested to see everything you come up with today,

Enjoy your learning,

We’re missing you all,

Mrs G