Bonjour! Well done for completing your activities yesterday! I hope you had a pleasant day.
You may have noticed this week’s spellings on the Class Spelling Page!
Activities for today:
- Spellings – See the Wrekin spelling page for this week’s spelling rules – if you feel very enthusiastic, you could have a go at both! Remember to do Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check, put them into sentences and then get an adult to test you – try to build this into your daily activities.
- English – follow on writing from the previous day (see yesterday’s post if you missed it!)
- Maths – See Education City – Maths Tuesday 31st March – for your activities today.
- Science – A revision on Evolution and Inheritance on Education City. You can access each activity on-screen and complete the work into your exercise books – as neatly as possible of course! Once you have seen the Learn Screen about fossils, do a research report about a famous type of fossil, e.g. ammonites OR a famous person who found fossils!