World book day Workshop

This afternoon Haughmond class have been very luck to have Stacey from West end Dance in to teach us a dance for the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. All of us in Haughmond thoroughly enjoyed ourselves (even all us staff). Here is a few pictures from our wonderful afternoon.




Children should be coming home with purple folders every Wednesday. These are their homework folders. They contain the spellings to practise for each week for their spelling test on a Wednesday, it may also contain another task within this folder to help with current learning.

Please can I ask folders are brought back in for a Wednesday so we can put the new spellings in and sheets don’t get lost.

Alongside the purple folder please do read with children at home !


Miss Reese


Haughmond will be completing a spelling test every Wednesday.

New spellings will come home every week (Wednesdays) to be practised. These will be based of the year groups common exception words.

Please make sure reading is done at home 2-3 times a week, TT Rockstar’s also practised throughout the week.

Spellings below

Year 1:

Spelling- year 1 Copy Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Extra space


Year 2:

Spelling- Year 2 Copy Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Extra space



Please ensure children access TT Rockstar’s and practise 2,5,10,3 time tables information should be in diaries if not please let me know.

Please ensure children read 2-3 times a week to help them with their phonics and fluency in reading. Reading eggs can also be accessed to read

Any help accessing this please don’t hesitate to see me at the gate or give me and email.

Miss Reese


Please ensure children access TT Rockstar’s and practise 2,5,10,3 time tables information should be in diaries if not please let me know.

Please ensure children read 2-3 times a week to help them with their phonics and fluency in reading. Reading eggs can also be accessed to read

Any help accessing this please don’t hesitate to see me at the gate or give me and email.

Miss Reese


Rocket Phonics

In our phonics lessons this week year 2 have been looking at the sounds:

  • ai
  • ay
  • a-e
  • a

We will be reading and spelling words including these phonemes, such as Saturday, crayon, pain, snail, game, made, acorns.

We are learning how to read and spell common exception words too these are:

  • asked
  • could
  • water
  • where
  • who
  • again
  • because

Rocket Phonics

In our phonics lessons this week year 2 have been looking at the sounds:

  • y as in pyramid
  • sc as in scissors

We will be reading and spelling words including these phonemes, such as gym, mystery, bicycle, scent, scene and science.

We are learning how to read and spell common exception words too these are:

  • asked
  • could
  • water
  • where
  • who
  • again