Tuesday 5th January (morning)

Good morning Pimhill and a Happy New Year.

I hope you all had a good Christmas, I was looking forward to hearing all about your holidays  but hopefully you can tell me about it by sending me a picture and some writing about your holiday.

Remember when you are trying to write a word say the word slowly (segment) and write the sounds you can hear. Remember between each word you need a finger space and think carefully how you write the letters.

Year 1 Remember your sentences need a capital letter to start and end with a full stop. Names also need a capital letter.

Today I will be sending you a user name and teams password so that we can meet on the screen and you can upload work and your parents can message me.

You can email me your pictures and writing to


I will then send you a message back.


Pimhill work week beginning 2nd November 2020

Hello Pimhill,

Here is some activities to complete at home while isolating.



Here are a set of 10 lessons from oak academy linked to a story the King and the Moon





Letters and sounds 

We are revisiting phase 2

Games and activities can be accessed through phonics play


Buried treasure

Dragon’s den

Picnic on Pluto

Are all good games to access.

any problems let me know.

Mrs Foster





Information for the Autumn Term

Welcome back to those who were in Pimhill before the holidays and welcome to all our new starters.

We have had a brilliant first day with all the children happy and settled into school. I’m looking forward to getting back to lots of fun activities!

This term our main topic is going to be about living on planet earth. We will be looking at features of both the made-made and natural environment. We will find out about a number of important people who have travelled around the world and maybe someone who has travelled into space. In other areas of learning we will also be exploring the weather, materials, and religious festivals. In Computing, we will begin the term by learning about the importance of staying safe when using technological devices and in music we will be learning about and responding to some famous pieces of music, starting with Mars by Gustav Holst. In Art we will be learning about the work of Andy Goldsworthy and other artists who used colour to create their artwork. Around half term we will be making salads and fruit salads for our DT learning.

In English our main texts will be Gingerbread man  and Here come the pirates. There will be a phonics session for the class every day linked to both reading and spelling. Individual reading books will be sent home and will only be swapped by a member of staff in Pimhill, the books will be left for a period of at least 72 hours before they are given out to another child.

For the Year 1 we will continue to have weekly spelling tests, but for the time being spellings will be online rather than coming home in a book. Homework will also be set online each Friday, using some of the sites children became familiar with when school was closed.

In Maths we are continuing with our Mastery Approach to our learning and will be starting this term by ensuring we have a really good understanding of Number and Place Value before moving on to calculations. We will also be practising our number bonds each week so that we can secure these facts and use them to base our other learning on.

P.E. will be with Shrewsbury Town in the Community and will be on a Monday morning starting the week of the 7th September. Children need to come into school in their P.E. kit on those days please.

We will be having forest school sessions and again the children will need to come dressed ready. More information on this will follow.

As always, my door is open for any queries you may have, albeit metaphorically this term! However, if you would like to get in touch with me, please don’t hesitate to give Mrs Winwood a call in the school office to organise this.

I look forward to working with you and your children.

Mrs Foster.

First week back

What a fantastic start we have had to the new year. All the children are happy, settled and ready to learn. They are a lovely class of children and I am sure we will have a great term. Any questions or problems please catch me on the gate or email into school.

Home work for Pimhill Year 1 until half term

Homework Year 1 Pimhill

Please practice the activities daily

The children have all come home with sounds in a wallet from phase 3 letters and sounds. The aims for the next few weeks are for the children to:

Recognise the sounds

Recognise the sounds in words

Read the sounds in words

Write the sounds

Write the sounds in words.

Here are some ideas how to help your child

Recognise the sounds-

Sort the sounds into 2 sets ones your child knows, one your child doesn’t know. Go through the ones your child knows saying the sound and doing the action. When your child is really confident add one or two from the set your child doesn’t know. Only add more your child is really confident, they should feel that they are successful at this.

Reading the sounds in words words

The phonics play website at the moment has free access to 3 games picnic on pluto, dragon’s den and buried treasure www.phonicsplay.co.uk

On here you can practice reading words using the different games. You can pick individual sounds so pick the ones your child is confident with and one or two that they are not. The games are very simple but the children love them. The children have to read words with the sounds in and sort them into real and fake words. In class we always get the last one wrong (on purpose) as the characters to a different action.

The children also have reading books with these sounds in.

Writing the sounds

Say the sound and get the children to write it. Again start with the ones your child is confident with and only add one or two new ones at a time. The children love using a small white board and pen for this. I noticed Tesco had some for £3 or I have some old ones I could give out. Pen and paper is fine too.

Writing the sounds

Just the same as writing the sounds say words with the different sounds. A list can be found here www.letters-and-sounds.com/  Look for phase 3 words and scroll down to find the sound you are working on. Work on at least 2 different sounds so that they children have to think and remember what each one looks like.


We will be working on this too in school but a bit of daily individual practice at home will make all the difference.

Please add pictures or comments on Tapestry so I can praise the children and see what they are up to.

Any questions please ask. I could do a phonics sessions on teams if people want one.

Many thanks for your support

Joanne Foster

Thurday 16th July

Good Morning Pimhill,

Its the last day of the school year  and what a funny year it has been. Over the last few months I have missed you all. Its been very strange not seeing you everyday and listening to everything you want to tell me. I have missed the funny things you do and of course I have missed helping you learn new things.

I will see you all in September whether you are in Haughmond or Pimhill.

You are all superstars so here is a certificate for you to print.( you will have to do the writing)

home learning certificate

Have a great summer, stay safe and be good

Mrs Foster

Continue with the maths and English that was set on Monday and finish of your information booklet for your new year group.



Wednesday 15th July

Good morning Pimhill,

Continue with handwriting and spellings set on Monday and the White Rose Academy Maths.

Over the next 2 days have a go at making an information booklet for your next class. If it’s me I sure there are things I don’t know about you. If it’s Mrs Gregory she would like to get to know you.

Here are some ideas.

For my new teacher


Have a great Day

Mrs Foster




Tuesday 14th July

Good morning Pimhill,

I hope you practiced your key word spelling and handwriting yesterday. Remember  to make sure your tall letters are tall and small letters are small.

Year 1 here is some joined handwriting you can practice

cursive handwriting

Maths is from White Rose as linked yesterday and is all about telling the time.

If  you would like to make a clock here is a template.

clock template


Have a great day

Mrs Foster




Monday 13th July

Good morning Pimhill,

Its the last week of term I hope you have a great last week.

there is not Oak Academy English this week so let’s concentrate on handwriting and spelling.

Can you practice your hand writing in 10 minute bursts, ask someone to help you set a timer. Concentrate really hard for those 10 minutes.

Year 1

key words to learn how to spell.

year 1 handwriting


reception spelling and handwriting

Our maths is there from white rose



Links to activity sheets are here:





Have  a great week Mrs Foster