Friday 1st May

Good morning Pimhill

Today is the 1st of May

Keep practicing saying the days of the week and the months of the year.

Continue with the English, Maths and Phonics that I linked on Monday.

We have been looking at plants, Pippa and her sister  have been drawing plants from her garden. See if you can have a go,  ask if you can have the flower in front of you  to look at it from different directions. Remember we drew Daffodils for St David’s day and looked at the red rose from England .

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Foster

Thursday 30th April

Good morning Pimhill

Continue with the Maths , English and Phonics that you have been doing this week.

If it is not too rainy this afternoon you can go on a plant and flower hunt either on your daily walk or in your garden. plant and flower hunt

You might not  find them all but how many can you find ?

Have a good day I hope you get out at some point.

Mrs Foster

Wednesday 29th April

Good morning Pimhill,

We will continue with the Maths, English and Phonics as yesterday.

Remember with the phonics you can choose the Twinkl activities, education city or the letters and sounds videos. choose the one you enjoy doing.

Continuing our work on plants todays question is: Why are plants important to us?

One reason is that we eat lots of plants. Can you make a list of plants that we eat and sort the plnats depending on which part we eat? You can sort by stem, root and leaf.

This may help Plants we eat

Have a good day

Mrs Foster

Tuesday 28th April

Good morning Pimhill,

Continue with this weeks Maths,  English and phonics from white rose,oak national academy letters and sounds and twinkl.

Use the links from Monday.

Continue looking at plants, if you can it would be great to plant some seeds so you can watch them grow. What do plants need to grow?

If you can you could set up an experiment to see what plants need to grow

Adult Information seeds Investigation Conclusion Investigation Graph Observation Table

This my help you with your experiment.

have fun

Mrs Foster

Monday 27th April

Good Morning Pimhill

I hope you had a good weekend, the weather seems to have changed but I hope you are still managing to get out for a walk or bike ride.

This week we will follow the same format as last week

White rose maths

Remember reception, if the reception work is too easy have a go at the year 1.

Phonics is on the twinkl home learning hub or letters and sounds following this link. Letter to parents and carers about online phonics lessons

English is following the Oak National Academy 

Year 1 is a narrative Katie in London

Reception is Goldilocks and the three bears.

Reception you can chose which set of lessons to complete,  as I know you enjoyed looking at London earlier this year.

This week we will look at plants. Can you draw and label the parts of a plant?

Can you use these labels: leaf, root, stem, petal, flower. Are there any other parts you can label?

if you want a plant to cut out you can use this to help you. parts of a flower

Don’t forget you can complete activities on education city and reading eggs and use the reading books linked on the class page.

I know there is lots to do. I hope there is something for everyone. chose the activities  that work well for you  and your child enjoys.

Have a good Day

Mrs Foster

Friday 24th April

Good Morning Pimhill,

Just a reminder yesterday on the class news I posted a link to more phonics and reading. If you can only do a small amount of home learning phonics and reading is the most important and you can now access levelled reading books.

Phonics is also available on twinkl home learning.

Today continue with both the maths on white rose and the English on oak national academy.

To continue work on minibeast have a go at one of these activities.

mini beast sorting

minibeast riddles

Can you sort minibeasts a different way? What about wings no wings?

You can use the pictures or draw pictures in two circles in your book.

If you made a minibeast house send a photo into school and I can add to our class page.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Foster




Reading and Phonics lessons

Here are some useful links to phonics and reading aimed at Reception Years 1 and 2

Letter to parents and carers about online phonics lessons

There are daily lessons for Reception and Year 1 .

It  would  help Year 2’s that need a bit of extra practice.

Oxford Owl have opened their ebook library  to everyone so that children can access banded reading books.

To Choose the correct level use the letters and sounds levels.

Here is what has been covered in letters and sounds lessons

Reception are confident with phase 2 and have covered phase 3 once (it is recommended that it is covered twice). Children in  reception can read the phase 2 books  and the phase 3 books with support 

Year 1 are confident with phase 4 and phase 5. Some Children will be going onto phase 6 

Year 2 can read phase 5 and phase 6 and above.

Remember if you child is reluctant or struggling  go back a phase  to gain confidence.  

We  hope this helps with reading and phonics

Mrs Foster and Mrs Gregory



Thursday 23rd May

Good Morning Pimhill

I hope you are looking forward to another sunny day

Our learning today follows the same pattern as the rest of the week.

Maths following the white rose maths from this  link

English we are continuing the instruction writing linked to the story Sam’s Sandwich

I hope you are enjoying a sequence of lessons.

Have you found many mini beats in your garden ?Today  could you make an area for them to live? Use what you can find around your garden, here is an idea you can use. minibeast house

Yesterday I found some strange holes in my lawn. I think I  have some bees making a home there. I will leave them there and cut the grass around them. I will let you know how they get on.

Have a great day

Mrs Foster



Wednesday 22nd April

It’s another sunny day here in Ellesmere I hope it is in the same in Bomere Heath .

I hope you enjoyed Sam’s Sandwich yesterday, today you can have a go at the next lesson. 

If you enjoyed the story we can read it at school and look at how Samantha gets her revenge on Sam.

Maths is the third sequence in the lessons on white rose. Don’t forget if the Reception work is too easy, try the year 1.

Phonics is on Twinkl home school hub.

Continue learning about minibeasts. Where do they live? What is their habitat?  minibeast location

Can you draw and label your favourite minibeast?

Have a great day

Mrs Foster