Friday 5th June 2020

Good morning!

Just like that it’s the end of another week already! Well done on all your hard work so far. Have any of you decided to have a go at 30 Days Wild? Yesterday we went for a wild walk at a place called Downs Banks which isn’t too far from my house.

Today in Maths it is the family maths challenge. Remember that this is the same for Year One and Two, and if you have older brothers or sisters in school they might have the same challenges as it gets harder as you go through them. See how far you can get, remembering that you can work with the other people in your house. You will be able to find the Friday Maths Challenge on the BBC Home Learning website.


First of all, I would like you to remember to do your spelling test. The new spellings are also up on the website for you to begin to learn.

Year One, today you are writing your poem – Friday English Lesson

Year Two, today you are writing your haiku – Friday English Lesson

This afternoon Sealife are doing another live session with the penguins and along with Twinkl have come up with some activities to do too. Penguins

Next week I will be in school so will be giving as many of you as I can a call to catch up on what you have been up to. I’m looking forward to talking to you!

Have a good day and enjoy your weekend.

Mrs G.


Thursday 4th June 2020

Good Morning!

What a miserable day it was in Market Drayton yesterday. I’ve been told it was raining in Bomere too.

Gabbi sent me a fab picture yesterday to let me know that she is taking part in 30 Days Wild. This is a brilliant initiative run every June to encourage people to do one wild thing every day. We do it each year at my house too. If you are interested in joining in (it is completely free) the details are here: 30 Days Wild


Year One, today you are creating a poetry plan.

Thursday English Year One

Year Two, you are going to be identifying the key features of a Haiku.

Thursday English Year Two


Year One, today you are measuring capacity.

Year One Video

Year One Activity

Year Two, today you are looking at odd and even numbers.

Year Two Video

Year Two Activity

Have a good day!

Mrs G.

Wednesday 3rd June 2020


I hope the weather is staying nice for you. It is forecast to rain in Market Drayton, but I’m hoping it doesn’t (although my lawn could do with the water!) Yesterday I discovered a brilliant hack of putting my laptop inside a cardboard box standing on it’s side, so now I can work outside in the sun without there being so much reflection on the screen I can’t see!


Year One, today you are looking at capacity and volume

Wednesday Maths Video Year One

Wednesday Activity Year One

Year Two, today you are making equal groups by grouping.

Wednesday Maths Video Year Two

Wednesday Activity Year Two


Year One, today you are learning about onomatopoeia

Year One Wednesday Lesson

Year Two, today is your first lesson of the week from Oak Academy. At the start of the video your teacher will say welcome to lesson three, but don’t worry about that. Today you are going to be learning about syllables.

Year Two Wednesday Lesson

I hope you all have a good day,

Mrs G.

Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Good morning Haughmond!

I hope you all had a good day carrying out your learning yesterday. I was in school all day yesterday and have been putting together your activity grids, which I will upload later today for you.

I just want to remind you all that as well as the Maths and English that I put on here, you can do the other daily activities too, including TTR and Reading Eggs.


Year One, this week you are continuing to look at measures.

Tuesday Video Year One

Year One Maths Tuesday

Year Two, you are making equal groups by sharing.

Tuesday Video Year Two

Year Two Maths Tuesday


Year One, today your lesson is about rhyming words.

Tuesday English Year One

Year Two, today is again revision about sentence types. This time you are looking at command sentences including imperative verbs.

Tuesday English Year Two

Have a good day and keep safe,

Mrs G.



Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning Haughmond!

I hope you all had a smashing half term. I’m really pleased that the weather stayed so nice so that we could spend a lot of time outside. Our paddling pool has certainly had a lot of use this week!

This half term I am going to continue to put Maths and English on here everyday using the White Rose and National Oak Academy lessons that you were using before half term. For your other areas of learning I will be uploading some extra grids over the course of the week. These will be linked to different areas of learning (Science, History, Geography, R.E., P.S.H.E and Art) and will be as similar as possible to the activities that we would be doing if we were all in school together. You will not need to work through these in a particular order, but you can pick and choose the activities, and some of them will be linked to specific lessons online.


Year One, this week you are continuing to look at measures. Today is about mass. Monday Video Year One

Year One Maths Activity Monday

Year Two, you are learning about the 10x table

Monday Video Year Two

Year Two Maths Activity Monday


Year One, this week you are learning about poetry.

Monday English Year One

Year Two, this week you are beginning with some revision today and tomorrow before moving on to some brand new learning on Wednesday.

Monday English Year Two

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Mrs G.



Friday 22nd May 2020

Good Morning!

Well here we’ve made it to the end of another week and another half term holiday! I hope you all had a good day yesterday. We managed to have our barbecue without it raining!


Today is challenge day in Maths. The challenge is the same for Year One and Year Two, but you may not all be able to all of the questions. The later ones are certainly more suitable for Key Stage Two but some of you might like to give them a go with a grown up.

Friday Family Maths Challenge


Some of you have been telling me that you are working really hard on your handwriting, but would like a little bit more help knowing how to form your letters in order to join them up. Here is a PowerPoint which shows how to form each letter with the flicks which will help you join. Make sure you can form each of these letters on their own before trying to join them to the next one to make sure you have got it just right.

Letter Formation PowerPoint

Your other English today is carrying on with the work you’ve already been doing this week.

Year One – You are carrying on writing your information text – Friday Year One

Year Two – this is your last day on Firework Maker’s Daughter. You might want to get the book, or download it on Audible in order to hear how the story ends. Today you are writing a recount – Friday Year Two

I hope you all have a lovely half term, and I will speak to you in June!

Stay safe,

Mrs G.