Homework – 6.9.19

Homework—6th September 2019

This week there are two homework tasks for you to complete, along with practising your spellings and reading to a grown up.

  1. Next week we are holding the elections for our new student councils. Think carefully and write a letter to me explaining why you should be chosen to represent your Year Group for your choice of council. The choices of council are:
  • Worship
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Eco-council
  • Fun and Games
  • Health and Safety
  1. In Science we are learning about humans. Next week please bring in a copy of a photograph of either yourself or someone in your house when they were a baby. Please make sure the back of your photograph is labelled with your name so that I don’t have to guess who it is!


Clarice Cliff

The second artist we have looked at in Arts Week is Clarice Cliff. We have looked at the way she used pattern and colour in her ceramics. We designed our own Clarice Cliff inspired plate and used acrylic paint to transfer our design onto a real plate.

Arts Week – Mondrian

This week is Arts Week and in Haughmond we are learning about the 1930’s. We have found out about the artist Piet Mondrian who produced some of his works in this decade and then created our own Mondrian inspired pieces of art. We thought about how just using the primary colours could be used to show different things and Max and Ciaran decided to just use blue and yellow so that their pieces represented Shrewsbury Town!