Wrekin Class Information!

Hello and welcome to new and returning pupils, parents and carers!

Mr Field, Mrs Horton, Mrs Norris and Mrs Oxford will be teaching Wrekin class this year. In addition, Miss Ryan will take a PE lesson (Thursday) and Mrs Kessel-Fell will teach music (Tuesday). Mr Lack and Mrs James will be supervising during lunchtimes too!

  • PE will be Tuesdays and Thursdays (please come to school in PE Kit)
  • Homework will be a blend of online and written activities, a homework book will be used and Mr Field will give out passwords etc! Homework will be given out each Friday and collected by the following Wednesday
  • Spellings will be taught in class each week, then assessed each Friday
  • Pupils should read for at least 20 minutes per day at home, which is to be recorded in the yellow reading record (to be handed in for checking each Friday). We would request that parents check and sign this at least once per week

Our history topic is Crime and Punishment!

It is great to see the pupils back at school after their summer holiday, however we know that it can cause anxious feelings. If you would like to speak with Mr Field, please catch him on the gate or call into the office to arrange an appointment.

Important Update – Monday 4th Jan 2021

Dear Parents/Carers
Following the update from Boris Johnson this evening, we will be providing on site education for all those pupils who fall within the governments list of key worker or vulnerable/SEND pupils (EHCP). For all other pupils, our provision will move to remote learning with effect from tomorrow morning.
We will try to make the process for tomorrow as easy as possible but really need your input as soon as possible this evening.
Our remote learning policy is on our school website.
We will be providing a slightly different teaching this lockdown as per our policy which is in line with the government guidance and expectations this year.
Please can you let us know if you require support with technology (as per our previous letters) we have Vodafone 4g data cards available from the office. We have a list of pupils who have previously requested support with laptops/ipads and will be contacting those parents in due course to arrange collections. If you feel you need further assistance in this, please let us know as soon as possible, via email to admin.
Our survey for places is attached – we would be grateful if you could complete this as soon as possible – we already have a list of pupils who used the provision last lockdown and will base our provision tomorrow on this list. If you feel that you need your child to be added to this list for a place in school rather than learning remotely then please ensure the form is completed in full.
We will review the questionnaires later this evening at 9.30pm and contact anyone who does NOT have a place before 10pm. We are hoping that we will be able to offer places to all who need them but will keep this under continual review as previously, via weekly questionnaires. We will re-look at the questionnaire outcomes in the morning so if you do not manage to complete this by the deadline tonight, we will attempt to contact you through the day tomorrow to advise if you can utilise the on-site provision from Wednesday.
Pupils who attend school will not be required to wear uniform and the current ‘staggered’ system of timings will cease for now; the school day will be from 9am – 3.10pm.
Whilst we are aware that this is contradicts our letter from earlier today, rest assured we will continue to try to support our whole community through the next few weeks and work with you all in keeping your children safe and healthy whilst also continuing their education.

Julie Ball

Executive Headteacher

Bomere & the XI Towns Federation

01939 260445 (Ruyton)

01939 290359 (Bomere Heath)

Spellings – Wrekin Class 16th October

Spellings this week: I have not set a spelling list, but am giving you some revision games:

Play this game (click on Practice/Test), which gives a random list of Y5/6 words: https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/75/62-Random-selection-of-12-words-taken-from-years-5-and-6-word-list

Then play Spooky Spellings: http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/spookySpellings/index.html Click on Y5/6, then choose a set from the shelf!

Wrekin Homework – Friday 16th October 2020

Hi Wrekin – that was a soggy end to the week in PE – but I hope you enjoyed Mega-Ball 2000!

Remember that your extra effort on homework is rewarded with Class Dojos!

Spellings this week: I have not set a spelling list, but am giving you some revision games:

Play this game (click on Practice/Test), which gives a random list of Y5/6 words: https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/75/62-Random-selection-of-12-words-taken-from-years-5-and-6-word-list

Then play Spooky Spellings: http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/spookySpellings/index.html Click on Y5/6, then choose a set from the shelf!

Reading: Read the final chapter from your Fiction Express Books! https://en.fictionexpress.com/account/login/

Maths: Head over to Education City to do some short division! https://www.educationcity.com/ and we also need to keep on top of times tables at https://ttrockstars.com/


Have a lovely weekend – I’ll see you next week!

Mr Field


Wrekin Homework – Friday 9th October 2020

Hi to you all!

I hope that you are all looking forward to the weekend and enjoying some leisure time!

The homework follows the same plan as usual:

Remember to complete them all by the end of Thursday 15th October

Wrekin Homework (2nd October to be completed by 9th October)

Hi Wrekin!


  • Black History Month has started – Newsround have published an article about How Slavery Has Shaped Our Cities. Please read it to help you understand the impact of slavery in the UK and around the world.
  • The new chapters are accessible on Fiction Express today (Friday) so please read them and complete the quiz and vote! Remember that you can go back and read the previous chapters – some of you have missed them – please catch up!
  • Times Tables Rockstars is hotting up! Year 5s won again last week! Year 6s need to pick up the pace and I expect them to compete a bit more strongly this week!
  • I have set a range of activities on Education City – some games for Maths, some Learn Screens about multiplication and some reading.
  • Try out your Spellings from the Spelling page and the ones you practised at school.