Wrekin Class Trip – D&T

On 5th September Wrekin class went on an excellent trip to Pizza Express to learn how to make pizza! They discovered the history of the Margherita Pizza, learned how to make dough and best of all made their own tasty pizzas! They tasted simply wonderful!

This formed part of our learning in Design and Technology!


Here are some of the clubs running this year:

  • Cross Country Club
  • Pom-pom Club
  • Stop-frame animation
  • Year 6 Lunchtime Sports Club
  • Chess
  • Fencing
  • Multi-sports
  • Dancing



Welcome Back – Spring Term 2019

We would like to welcome back all pupils, parents, carers and staff back to school for 2019 -Happy New Year!

Please remember – if you have anything you would like to discuss with your child’s teacher, please make an appointment via the school office.

Diabetes Awareness – World Diabetes Day

We would like to raise charity funds for World Diabetes Day to raise awareness of this condition.  Most of the children in school will be aware that we do have one pupil who has Type 1 diabetes. We hope to increase pupils’ understanding of diabetes and what it is like to live with the condition. Children are invited to dress as a superhero (alternatively they may wear blue clothes) on Wednesday 14 November and bring a donation (£1 is suggested).

Netball News!

Well done to the Netball Team for finishing third in the local schools event held at the Corbet – the team were fantastic in the Hi-5 event, getting to the semi-final, but sadly losing out! Thankfully they won the third/fourth playoff match!

Well done!