Transition Day – New Classes

On Tuesday 10th July 2018 pupils will experience life in their new classes for September. Current Year 6 pupils will be attending their secondary schools, whilst all other pupils will meet their new teachers for the day. Pupils should go to their existing classes first to register and give lunch information, before being directed to their new class.

The teachers are very much looking forward to this event, but of you have any questions, please pop into school.

Sports Day

Just a reminder that Sports Day takes place on Tuesday 26th June 2018. We will look to start at approximately 9.20-9.30 and it should take around 2 hours to complete.

Pupils have chosen their races and have been in training this week! Those classes who have PE on Monday with JH Coaching will get some more practice then!

Races include Egg and Spoon, Shuttle Run, Sprints and Long Distance Mini-marathons!

Please come along and support the children on Sports Day – it means so much to the pupils and teachers to share the day with parents and carers!