Welcome to the Autumn Term,
I would just like to welcome you to Grinshill class and post a few items that you will find useful this year.
Monday – New spellings are handed out. Spelling test from last weeks spellings. ( First week back spellings handed out on Tuesday 2nd September, test on Monday 9th).
Monday – PE – Kit (White t-shirt, black or navy shorts/ skort) will need to be in school (Keep in school in case we need it for drama)
Friday – Homework sent out (This will be either Maths, English, Science or Topic with some times table practise)
Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday – Homework handed in.
Please ensure that all children have a water bottle in class with their name on. You don’t have to have a fancy, expensive bottle, a plastic drinks bottle is fine. BUT PLEASE ENSURE ONLY WATER IS GIVEN TO CHILDREN.
Please ensure your child’s name is on their clothing including PE kit.
Daily – In order for your child to make progress it is helpful if they can do 5 to 10 minutes of reading each day and please log this in their reading journal.
Thank you, I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 3rd September 2019
Mrs Sallie Roberts
Class Teacher and Deputy Headteacher