Stiperstones Spellings

Well done with the spellings for last half. Here are the next set of spellings for this half term. Please practise these at home as well as at school. Copies of these words are also in homework books.

Year 4 

actually, address, although, century, certain, circle, exercise, experience, experiment, height, history, imagine, naughty, notice, occasion, pressure, probably, promise, suppose, surprise, therefore

Year 5

achieve, aggressive, amateur, communicate, community, competition, disastrous, embarrass, environment, government, guarantee, harass, muscle, necessary, neighbour, queue, recognise, recommend, sufficient, suggest, symbol

Home learning – Stiperstones

Children now have log ins for a range of websites which all help with their learning.

The log ins are in their homework book or reading record.

TTR – x table practise

SPaG monsters – Spelling, punctuation and grammar activities

Twinkl maths app – Fluency games

Reading eggs – Phonics and reading activities

Please help your child to access these safely at home.

Thank you

Mrs Quigley