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Spring 2 spellings

Year 4 words 

believe, bicycle, breath, describe, different, decide, February, forward, forwards, island, knowledge, learn, ordinary, particular, peculiar, recent, regular, reign, various, weight, woman


Year 5 words 

attached, available, average, convenience, criticise, correspond, especially, exaggerate, excellent, immediately, individual, interfere, opportunity, parliament, persuade, rhythm, sacrifice, secretary, twelfth, variety, vegetable

Spellings – First half of Spring term

Year 4 – answer, appear, arrive, complete, consider, continue, extreme, famous, favourite, important, increase, interest, occasionally, often, opposite, purpose, quarter, question, though, thought, through


Year 5 – ancient, apparent, appreciate, conscience, conscious, controversy, equip, equipped, equipment, hindrance, identity, immediate, nuisance, occupy, occur, relevant, restaurant, rhyme, system, temperature, thorough

Stiperstones Spellings

Well done with the spellings for last half. Here are the next set of spellings for this half term. Please practise these at home as well as at school. Copies of these words are also in homework books.

Year 4 

actually, address, although, century, certain, circle, exercise, experience, experiment, height, history, imagine, naughty, notice, occasion, pressure, probably, promise, suppose, surprise, therefore

Year 5

achieve, aggressive, amateur, communicate, community, competition, disastrous, embarrass, environment, government, guarantee, harass, muscle, necessary, neighbour, queue, recognise, recommend, sufficient, suggest, symbol


Each half term your child will be given a set of spellings taken from their relevant year group lists. We will be learning these throughout the half term and it would be helpful for your child to practise these words at home also. We try to include these words in our writing and at the end of the half term, we carry out collaborative spelling tests with our peers.

A copy of the word lists are in your child’s homework book, I have also shared them here.

Thank you for your help in supporting your child with their spellings.

Year 4 words

accident accidentally actual calendar caught centre eight eighth enough guide heard heart mention minute natural possession possible potatoes straight strange strength

Year 5 words

accommodate accompany according category cemetery committee determined develop dictionary foreign forty frequently lightning marvellous mischievous profession programme pronunciation sincerely soldier stomach


Spellings for the first half of the summer term are:

Year 4

breathe, build, busy, business, difficult, disappear, early, earth, fruit, grammar, group, guard, length, library, material, ,medicine, perhaps, popular, position, possess, remember, sentence, separate, special, women


Year 5

awkward, bargain, bruise, curiosity, definite, desperate, existence, explanation, familiar, interrupt, language, leisure, physical, prejudice, privilege, shoulder, signature, sincere, vehicle, yacht

Spellings Spring 2

These are the spellings for the rest of the spring term.

Please practise these at home using the strategies we use at school. We will have a collaborative spelling test at the end of the term.

Year 4

believe, bicycle, breath, decide, describe, different, February, forward, forwards, island, knowledge, learn, ordinary, particular, peculiar, recent, regular, reign, various, weight, woman


Year 5

attached, available, average, convenience, correspond, criticise, especially, exaggerate, excellent, immediately, individual, interfere, opportunity, parliament, persuade, rhythm, sacrifice, secretary, twelfth, variety, vegetable

Stiperstones spellings Spring 1

Here are your next group of spellings to learn this half term. We will carry out a collaborative spelling test at the end of this half term.

Thank you

Year 4

answer, complete, extreme, increase, occasionally, purpose, though, appear, consider, famous. important, often, quarter, thought, arrive, continue, favourite, interest, opposite, question, through


Year 5

ancient, conscience, equip, hindrance, nuisance, relevant, system, apparent, conscious, equipped, identity, occupy, restaurant, temperature, appreciate, controversy, equipment, immediate, occur, rhyme, thorough

Second half term spellings

These are the spellings for you to focus on this half term.

Please continue to practise them, use the tricks and strategies we use in class to learn new spellings. We will be having a collaborative test towards the end of term.

Year 4 words

actually, address, although, century, certain, circle, exercise, experience, experiment, height, history, imagine, naughty, notice, occasion, pressure, probably, promise, suppose, surprise, therefore


Year 5 words

achieve, aggressive, amateur, communicate, community, competition, disastrous, embarrass, environment, government, guarantee, harass, muscle, necessary, neighbour, queue, recognise, recommend, sufficient, suggest, symbol

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