Hi everyone!
I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break and have done lots of fun activities at home and have enjoyed being in the garden in this lovely weather!
From now on, each week there will be daily maths lessons, which can be accessed through this link:
Year 4 – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
Year 5 – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
There is one lesson per day, and please stick to this, as otherwise you will zoom ahead and run out of lessons to do!
Once on that link, you should find the Summer term week 1 section, and then follow each lesson for that week- lesson 1 will be for Monday, lesson 2 will be for Tuesday etc.
Then the following Monday there will be a new week to access with another 5 lessons.
For each lesson, watch the lesson video on the left, and then click ‘Get the activity’ button on the right, complete the activity and then click the ‘get the answers’ button to check your work – remember you can diddy dot or tiny tick and then make corrections underneath, just like you would in school!
You can complete the maths lessons in your exercise book, however if you are running out of room or If you feel that you need a maths book to complete the work, please feel free to contact school and come to the office to collect one.
For reading, each day you will need to access ‘Fiction Express’ you will all receive a log in to access the website from Mrs Winwood as soon as she can get in touch with people.
Once you have logged on, you will need to access the book online that we will all read together (each week I will choose a new book for you to read). You will read a chapter a day (Chapter 1 Monday, Chapter 2 Tuesday etc.) and then complete a little quiz each day after the chapter (the link for quiz each day will be on the same webpage as the chapter for the book each day).
This is the link to our first book, ‘The Pirate’s Secret’: https://en.fictionexpress.com/book/the-pirates-secret/
You will see there are 5 chapters, one for each day of the week.
There are also some activities and comprehension questions to work through after reading each chapter. Here are the links to each activity booklet for our first book:
(I have amended this post to show links to the actual PDF booklets for each day, rather than links to the website as I understand there were some problems accessing the activities through the website links – I hope these new links below will now work for you all. If you have ay problems accessing work, please contact Mrs Winwood at school).
Chapter 1 activities (Monday) – The Pirate’s Secret – Day 1 Work (Monday)
Chapter 2 Activities (Tuesday) – The Pirate’s Secret – Day 2 Work (Tuesday)
Chapter 3 Activities (Wednesday) – The Pirate’s Secret – Day 3 Work (Wednesday)
Chapter 4 Activities (Thursday) –The Pirate’s Secret – Day 4 Work (Thursday)
Chapter 5 Activities (Friday) – The Pirate’s Secret – Day 5 Work (Friday)
Where you see the ‘Quiz’ button for each chapter, you will also see a ‘glossary’ button. This will help with the meaning of words you may be unsure of.
So each day for reading, you will first read the chapter, then complete the short quiz, then click on the correct activity booklet (above) and complete the comprehension questions and activities.
I am aware that on these activity booklets, they say week 1, week 2, week 3 etc., but we are using those as day 1, day 2, day 3 etc. instead.
For afternoon activities, please access this link, which will take you to Classroom secrets ‘Home Learning Timetable’ – https://kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/home-learning-timetable/
Firstly, scroll down and make sure you are on the correct week (this week will be week beginning Monday 20th April, then Click on your year group and click on the correct day. This will then give you activities to choose from. You can choose one from each section of the time table. Please try to vary the type of activities you choose, for example, if you choose baking one day, why not choose something different the next day, such as a science experiment! There will be a physical exercise on this timetable each day.
Remember, please ensure that you are still completing the usual daily tasks:
- Practising your spellings (see our class spelling page of our school website to see your weekly spelling lists) and have a spelling test each week to see how you got on.
- Also practise your times tables each day, both multiplication and division facts (you can use Times Tables Rock stars for this – the ‘Sound check’ part of Times Tables Rock stars will really help with your speed!).
- Please also read to an adult each day (this could be the chapter of our book on Fiction Express if you like, as you will need to be reading this anyway, or you can read the book you are reading at home to an adult and read our fiction express books to yourself).
Also, feel free to continue to take part in the Joe Wicks (Body Coach) daily workout if you have been enjoying this, I know I have, especially his fancy dress Fridays! These are still live at 9:00 am each weekday morning and are available to catch up with (if you miss the session) each day on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Winwood via email. Also, please feel free to send in any work or activities or photographs you would like me to see. Mrs Winwood will send them over to me if she receives them by email. I would love to see what you get up to!
Have a great first week, keep busy and have fun!
Miss L-J