Free Understanding Dyslexia Course

Nessy, an intervention that we use to support children in school, have made their Understanding Dyslexia training free to mark Dyslexia Awareness month. This training is suitable for both school staff and parents.

The short course has 6 modules but includes all the essential information you need to know about dyslexia. The videos are only 2-3 minutes long so don’t become overwhelming.

The training modules cover identification, an explanation of the neurological processes affected by dyslexia, intervention strategies, accommodations and the use of technology. Each module is followed by a short quiz to test knowledge. The training can be done on a smartphone, tablet or computer. The course takes about 2 hours but can be completed in bitesize chunks and a certificate is awarded when the course is complete!

If you are interested in developing your understanding of dyslexia, you can access the training, by following the attached link and then using TEACHUD in the apply coupon box at checkout to access the training for free.

Number Formation

We would like you to practise forming numbers correctly at home. This means you need to think about making sure they are facing the right way and are formed carefully so that they can’t be mistaken for a different number. If you are writing 2 digit numbers you need to check that you have got the digits in the right order so that numbers like 12 don’t look like 21!

Here are some activities that you can download and do at home to help you practise.




Year 2 Spelling Focus w/b 4th October 2021

This week in their spelling lessons, Year 2 will be focusing on adding –s and –es to the ends of words and knowing how to know which is the correct ending to the word they are writing. They will also be learning about what to do when they need to add an ‘s’ to a word ending with ‘y’.

The words they will be focusing on include:

  • baby (babies)
  • carry (carries)
  • copy (copies)
  • cry (cries)
  • dry (dries)
  • fly (flies)
  • reply (replies)
  • sky (skies)
  • try (tries)

The children will not be tested on these words, but we will be challenging them to be including them in their writing and looking for application in their work.

Building Houses!

Today we have been making the frames for the houses that we are going to use to make a replica London street from 1666. We measured the wood and then cut it to the right lengths. We sanded the ends down and explored different ways to join the wood and make the best frames. Next week we will finish the houses ready to burn them down in our own Great Fire!



School Council Homework

In the next couple of weeks, we are going to be electing our new School Council members. For your homework we would like you to write a speech, with your grown ups, to present to the class about which school council you would like to be part of and why you should be elected.

The school councils we have are:

  • Worship
  • Fun and Games
  • Eco
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Healthy Helpers