Wrekin Learning – Monday 6th July 2020

Hello Wrekin Class – I hope you are well and I hope that you have a pleasant week.


Most of you are in school, but I shall continue providing work for those of you who are not and for additional studies for those who want it!


Learning activities for today:

Please remember to keep on top of the following:

  • Times Tables Rockstars
  • Reading Eggs
  • Fiction Express

Have a good day


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Wednesday 1st July 2020

Bonjour Wrekin Class!


I have some learning activities for you:


Have a good day


Mr Field

Wrekin Learning – Monday 29th June 2020

Can you believe that it is the last day of June tomorrow? So much has happened and so much has not happened! It has been very strange that time seems to have gone both quickly and slowly since March!


Some learning for today:


Have a great day


Mr Field

Wrekin Learning – Thursday 25th June 2020

Good morning – have you enjoyed the heat? My crops on the allotment certainly have! Have yours?


It has been lovely to see those pupils in school and to speak to those not in school on the phone. I know Miss Lloyd-Jones has enjoyed teaching the Year 5 pupils too.


So some learning for today:


Have a great day and stay sun safe!

Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Wednesday 24th June 2020

Hello everybody!


I know that some of you are now in class 4 days per week, but I am still setting Wednesday work!



It might be a good idea to enjoy the sunshine in the morning and to do your work in the afternoon as it will be sizzling hot today


Enjoy the day, Mr Field!

Wrekin Learning – Tuesday 23rd June 2020

Good morning Wrekin!


I hope you are all well! It will start to really warm up today – I presume you have the paddling pools set up and your sun tan lotion ready!


In other news, I left a trail cam in the forest school area overnight to capture images of any wildlife in the school grounds. I shall move it around over the next few nights to record any creatures and upload them for you to see!


Some work for today:


Have a lovely day!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Monday 22nd June 2020

Good morning Wrekin Class!


I know that most of you are in school, but I will still be setting the daily work on here. I will not be adding the additional challenges, as those who asked for it are in school now. If you want additional work, please go to https://classroom.thenational.academy/ as there are hundreds of lessons for you to study!


Today’s work:



I hope you have a good day – the sun will be shining this week!


Mr Field