Wrekin Learning – Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good morning folks!


I know it can be tough going at the moment with your studies at home, but I want you to keep at it! Keep going! Any work and extra work you can do now, will benefit you when you are in Year 6 or at The Corbet. I appreciate that most of you want to be back in school, and this is causing you to feel up and down, but keep the faith! Please keep your heads up, talk to someone if you are worried and try to complete your school work!


So, let’s get to it!


Extra Challenges

I hope you have a good day,


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Monday 8th June 2020

Good morning Wrekin pupils! I hope you had a pleasant weekend – it wasn’t the best weather really was it? We just had a couple of walks out and watched some films with popcorn! What did you do?


I have set some work for you today:

Extra Challenges:

I hope you have a fab day – I will be trying to call all of the pupils in the class this week – so I look forward to speaking with you and your families!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Friday 5th June 2020

Good morning Wrekin stars!


Ant and Dec and David Walliams have teamed up with the NSPCC to bring you a virtual assembly today at 9.30 – YOU WILL NEED PARENTAL PERMISSION TO WATCH IT as it is hosted on Facebook. It is part of the Speak Out, Stay Safe work that the NSPCC do in primary schools, and you have already taken part – do you remember Buddy? Yes, of course you do! You will probably know the facts included in the assembly, but the Families Minister Vicky Ford MP will be answering questions from children your age about how Covid-19 has affected children in the UK – here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/nspcc/videos/742538003230159/ (remember to check with parents/carers first) I would recommend you watch it with parents/carers in case there is anything you wish to discuss


Have you been watching the news this week? Here is a very important story that has been evolving during the week – you may have seen it on the news, but this article will help you fully understand the background to what is happening George Floyd


There have been so many other stories around the world, and many in the UK – but have you remembered them? Here is a quiz from Newsround to test your knowledge https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/51318780


Here are your Friday activities:

Extra Challenges:


I hope you find today’s work interesting – have a good go at the maths, and try to get onto the NSPCC Assembly online, after checking with the grown-ups!


If any Year 6s (there are 3!) who haven’t sent in their transition forms to Mrs Winwood, please do it today!


Thank you


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Thursday 4th June 2020

Bonjour Wrekin Class!


I hope you are all well and feeling happy! Year 6s were sent a transition form from Mrs Millward from The Corbet yesterday – please make sure that you have filled it in and sent it back to us today. We will send it on to Mrs Millward, who will then begin the task of placing you into form tutor groups.


I have set some work for today: (also see the BBC Maths links below)




Some of you want more work to complete each day. If you do, please have a go at the following:


I hope that these activities are fun and keep you busy!


Mr Field

Wrekin Learning – Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Good morning Wrekin class! I’m looking outside and it’s raining (which in one way I am very pleased about as it means less watering at my allotment, which takes approximately 40 minutes per day – now I can spend more time weeding!) This is the first rain I can remember in ages!


How did you get on with yesterday’s Daily Challenge?


So, to today’s work!


Daily Challenge

I will post the answers tomorrow!

Wrekin Learning – Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Good morning everyone. I’m sorry if the maths worksheets didn’t work for you yesterday – I have added yesterday’s again here:

Year 5:

Lesson 1 – Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers Lesson 1 Answers – Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers

Year 6:

Lesson 1 – Fractions to percentages 2019 Lesson 1 Answers – Fractions to percentages 2019

So today – here is some work to complete:


Daily Challenge:

When I spoke with some of you before half term, some pupils wanted some extra work to do! So  I will be putting on some extra daily challenges! You can choose to do them if you wish!

Today is a maths game – you can play it against your parent/carer or even an older brother or sister! It is designed to get you to think quickly and have fun!

It is called Strike It Out and is a simple strategy game using calculation skills https://nrich.maths.org/6589

This challenge is from nRich and is ‘Live’ (meaning that they have posted it for children to have a go and submit solutions or answers for how to solve the problem or how to play the game) You can submit your solutions on the website itself, using the Submit Solution link – ask your grown ups’ permission, of course!


Have a fab day and enjoy the sunshine!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning Wrekin class and your families!


I hope you had an interesting half term holiday! We could not have wished for better weather. What did you get up to? I would love to know!


Here is some work for today:

Have a great day!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Friday 22nd May 2020

Good morning.


Well done for getting to the end of the half term! Did you know it is half term holidays next wee? I won’t be setting any work on here, but if you want to, you may find plenty of activities on a range of websites.


Work for today:

Have a fantastic weekend and holiday!


Mr F