Wrekin Work Tuesday 31st March 2020

Bonjour! Well done for completing your activities yesterday! I hope you had a pleasant day.

You may have noticed this week’s spellings on the Class Spelling Page!

Activities for today:

  • Spellings – See the Wrekin spelling page for this week’s spelling rules – if you feel very enthusiastic, you could have a go at both! Remember to do Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check, put them into sentences and then get an adult to test you – try to build this into your daily activities.
  • English – follow on writing from the previous day (see yesterday’s post if you missed it!)
  • Maths – See Education City – Maths Tuesday 31st March – for your activities today.
  • Science – A revision on Evolution and Inheritance on Education City. You can access each activity on-screen and complete the work into your exercise books – as neatly as possible of course! Once you have seen the Learn Screen about fossils, do a research report about a famous type of fossil, e.g. ammonites OR a famous person who found fossils!

Spellings w/c 30th March 2020

Year 5

Convert nouns or adjectives into verbs using the suffix -en


Year 6

Statutory Spelling Challenge Words


Wrekin Pupil Work Monday 3th March

Good morning – I hope you had a good weekend! The weather has cooled down, but please try to get outside into the garden each day for some fresh air!

Tasks for today:

  • 9am – PE with Joe – I know I keep adding this, but it is great! My children love it because Joe Wicks is really engaging and his activities are fun…and they get the heart beating fast! https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
  • English – rather than using Education City or Reading Eggspress today, I would like to set you a story writing challenge. I am going to give you a story starter and I would like you to write a story (this will be today and tomorrow’s English!)     Keeping watch at the side of the ship, George was tiring; his eyes weary from constantly searching the horizon, were they also playing tricks on him?  What was that waving from the rocks? 
  • Maths – I really like the White Rose maths lessons as they have a useful video and then some worksheets. Remember to click on the correct lesson as there are several on there- click on the ‘Week 1’ menu! These can be copied into your exercise books. You can do both Year 5 and Year 6 maths if you wish!
  • French – Use this activity to learn vocabulary for classroom items (Scroll down to ‘Classroom Labelling in French’ it is the fifith activity down the page)  – then draw a picture of each and write the Englisha and French translation next to it! http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2french.html

Pupil Work – George’s Easter Writing!

Thanks George! George has been keeping up his writing this week – he has completed the Easter writing activity I set earlier in the week! It’s a great read, George!

I am sure he won’t mind me sharing it – please remember that you can all send work in to me via Mrs Winwood’s email address!

Stiperstones and Wrekin Work Friday 27th March 2020

Good morning! Do you think this lovely weather will last? Check it out here:https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather

So I have prepared some work for you today!

There are a lot of ‘screen-based’ activities today – feel free to spend time outside in the sunshine and complete these when it suits you!

I have had some messages from parents who have been very proud of the effort their children have been putting into their work, so keep it up! Well done!

Have a lovely Friday and enjoy the weekend – keep yourselves busy and find time to relax!

Mr F

Stiperstones and Wrekin Work Thursday 26th March 2020

Good morning Wrekin and Stiperstones pupils!

If you have done some work you are very proud of and would like to share it, please ask your adults to send it into Mrs Winwood via email! She will send it on to me!

I suppose it’s time to get down to work!

  • 9am PE Joe Wickes Workout – we did this in school yesterday (at least 2m apart of course!) and it was really enjoyable!  https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
  • English – I know that there are not many ‘good news’ stories about at the moment – but here is one! https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/52022945 Australian conservationists have released many rescued Koalas back into the wild following the devastating bush fires. I know pupils in Wrekin class were very interested in the plight of the animals in Australia so  it is good to hear some animals are fit and healthy! TASK: Write a newspaper report about the release of the koalas – remember to use a headline, pictures with captions, quotes – you could also set it out in columns!
  • Maths – I have delegated each year group separate work today – it is all from White Rose Maths. Watch each video and complete the work in your exercise books – the answers are there too! Make sure you click on the correct lesson!
  1.  Year 4 Maths: Lesson 1 – Recognise tenths and hundredths – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
  2. Year 5 Maths: Lesson 1 – Decimals up to 2 dp https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
  3. Year 6 Maths: Lesson 1 – Using ratio language https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/