Homework – Wednesday 16th September 2020

Fiction Express

Please read CHAPTER 1 ONLY

We will read chapter 2 in class on Monday, so all children need to have completed reading by Monday morning.

Horis Humdrum and Splotch

Chapter 1 only and answer the 10 questions

  • I will be able to see when you have read the chapter and completed the questions.


Your child will have a laminated sheet to practise handwriting. Some children will have a whiteboard pen too. This will be yours to keep. 10 minutes practice 4 to 5 times a week will have a huge impact.

Any queries please see me.


Grinshill Class – Welcome back to school

Autumn 2020 hills mountains and coasts

The link above shows what we will be covering in Grinshill this year.


Good Morning Everyone!

It is so lovely to welcome you all back to school.

The staff and I are very excited to be welcoming you back to school.

Key Information for Grinshill Class:

  • Start 9.00am Key stage 2 playground – Handover and temperature check- Prompt drop-off as other classes will be waiting to welcome their children.
  • Finish 3.10pm Key stage 2 playground (Collection prompt please)
  • PE days – children come to school in PE kit – Monday and Friday commencing 7th September 2020
  • NO BAGS (If possible) IN SCHOOL
  • Water bottle/snack (Healthy), packed lunch (If not having school dinner) and coat only in cloakroom.
  • Any money for lunches in an envelope and put in post box outside office – please DO NOT give money to children.

Our topic this term is coasts, hills and mountains. I am hoping to take the children on a trip after half term to a coastal resort possibly Barmouth or Fairbourne. This will be dependant on COVID 19/ DFE regulations. Maths and English will be taught in a mastery style to ensure a deeper understanding and fluency for the children.


We will be limiting the amount of books leaving school so homework may be online. If your child has issues getting online I need to know as soon as possible. Homework will be listed on the homework page on this website – Normally this goes out on a Wednesday due in on Friday.


These will be printed each week on the website spelling page, please use this to practise with your child for at least 5 minutes per day to become fluent. Spelling books will not be going home. Spellings will be issued to children on a Monday morning and will be tested the following Monday.


I expect children to be reading for a minimum of 15 minutes 5 days per week. This will ensure progression.

Thank you for supporting your child this year in Grinshill

Best wishes

Mrs Roberts

Class Teacher/ Deputy Headteacher


Spellings – 13th July

Year 2

Question words, SPaG terms

who, why, what, how, which, where, when, adjective, adverb, verb

Year 3

Silent letters

build, guide, guard, wheat, whale, honest, whirl, gnome, gnaw, surprise.

Year 4

Adverbials of manner

awkwardly, frantically, curiously, obediently, carefully, rapidly, unexpectedly, deliberately, hurriedly, reluctantly



Grinshill Class – Monday 13th July to Thursday 16th July 2020

The last week of school has arrived. It does seem a bit odd doesn’t it? I just want to say I have loved teaching all of you this year. I have really enjoyed seeing so many of you in last few week. On a final note, good luck to those moving into new classes in September I know your new teachers are looking forward to teaching you and to those staying with me in September, I can’t wait to see you all again in September for another fabulous year of learning. 🙂

Take care during the holidays!

Best wishes

Mrs Roberts

Daily work

Handwriting and spellings


White Rose

I know we found this quite tricky in school last week, but try your best 🙂














Reading – Fiction Express

Last Chapter of Mayflower Stowaways


Answer the 10 quiz questions then complete some extra activities


Extra Book

Spy and Cheese

Read each chapter and answer the quiz questions then try the activities.






Bitesize – English





Pop Art Printing – Bitesize



Have a great last week!

Mrs Roberts



Spellings – 6th July

Year 2

Months of the year/ time

November, December, after, past, hour, half, minute, quarter, month, second

Year 3

Silent letters revision

island, answer, write, wrapper, knife, knock, thumb, doubt, half, calm.

Year 4

Adverbials of frequency and possibility

regularly, occasionally, frequently, usually, rarely, perhaps, maybe, certainly, possibly, probably

Grinshill Class – Monday 6th July to Friday 10th July 2020

Good morning,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Thank you for sending your work in. If you don’t see your work it is because we have had trouble loading it on to the website.

Thank you to those who sent in stories, I am very proud of all your hard work.


Spellings and handwriting













Mayflower Stowaways – Read chapter 4, quiz and activities then VOTE.


Tricks – We read this book last week with year 4’s, it is very funny 🙂







Music – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znt8bqt

German – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zwkq4xs


Some craft ideas, I thought the maze looked fun.


Have a great week

Mrs Roberts