Homework 20th September 2019

This term in science we are looking at birds in our local area. We have noticed that we don’t attract a great variety into school. So, as a class we have decided to make some bird feeders to attract them.
The class have also made the decision to be environmentally friendly and use recycled materials.
If you follow this link it should provide some good ideas.


On Wednesday we hope to make them in class, so homework is to collect all the things they may need. If they want to draw some ideas in their books or they can put in some pictures.
I will provide hot glue gun and bird food.


Thank you
Mrs Roberts

Grinshill Homework 13th September 2019

Friday 13th September 2019
Homework – Grinshill Class

English – Please complete the work on adjectives. You can write the word in each box.
Spellings – Practise for spelling test on Monday.
Maths – Practise 4 x tables
Write out in full and show some practise please e.g. 1 x 4 = 4, 2 x 4 = 8
Remember books in by next Thursday.

Thank you
Mrs Roberts

Also children have been give a Times tables Rock stars login to practise tables.

9th September – Spellings

Year 3 (Some children may have different spellings to these)

Words with a long /a/ but spelt with /ey/

hey               obey            whey            disobey

whey            grey              survey          purvey

they              prey              convey


Year 4

Adding the prefix – in meaning ‘not’ or ‘into’

inactive           incorrect           inaccurate        insecure

indefinite          incomplete        infinite          inedible

inability            indecisive





Autumn Term – Grinshill

Welcome to the Autumn Term,

I would just like to welcome you to Grinshill class and post a few items that you will find useful this year.

Monday – New spellings are handed out. Spelling test from last weeks spellings. ( First week back spellings handed out on Tuesday 2nd September, test on Monday 9th).

Monday – PE – Kit (White t-shirt, black or navy shorts/ skort) will need to be in school (Keep in school in case we need it for drama)

Friday – Homework sent out (This will be either Maths, English, Science or Topic with some times table practise)

Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday – Homework handed in.

Please ensure that all children have a water bottle in class with their name on. You don’t have to have a fancy, expensive bottle, a plastic drinks bottle is fine. BUT PLEASE ENSURE ONLY WATER IS GIVEN TO CHILDREN.

Please ensure your child’s name is on their clothing including PE kit.

Daily – In order for your child to make progress it is helpful if they can do 5 to 10 minutes of reading each day and please log this in their reading journal.

Thank you, I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 3rd September 2019

Mrs Sallie Roberts

Class Teacher and Deputy Headteacher

Spellings 8th April 2019

These will be tested after Easter holiday.

Year 2

The suffixes -less and -ly

badly            hopeless

penniless        lovely

happily            joyless

slowly           quickly

careless       fearless


Year 3

Words with a short ‘u’ sound spelt ‘u’

woman      another

wonder         shovel

month           above

govern         Monday

brother        discover


Spellings 18th March 2019

Year 2

The ‘zh’ sound spelt ‘s’

television                              pleasure

treasure                                measure

usual                                    occasion

division                                 usually

vision                                    leisure


Year 3

words with a ‘sh’ sound spelt with ‘ch’

chef                                   chalet

machine                            brochure

crochet                              ricochet

parachute                          moustache

champagne                      chute

11th March 2019 – spellings

Year 2 – The ‘er’ sound spelt with ‘or’ and the ‘or’ sound spelt with ‘ar’

word            worst

work            war

worm          warm

world           towards

worth           wand


Year 3 – words ending in the ‘g’ sound spelt ‘gue’ and the ‘k’ sound spelt ‘que’

league       plague

rogue    vague

fatigue      unique

antique     mosque

cheque       technique

Homework Friday 8th March


This week the children have been given some work on grammar.

  1. Were or was? they need to add the correct word to the given sentences.
  2. Adding is, am, are, was, were to sentences.

Also to show evidence of times table practise

year 2s – 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x

year 3s – 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 8,x 10x

Homework is due in before the next Thursday (14th March 2019)