Spellings Monday 12th November 2018

Year 2

The ‘l’ sound spelt with ‘-il’ and ‘-al’

pencil          pedal

fossil           capital

nostril          hospital

pupil             animal

metal           oval


Year 3

creating adverbs, when the root wood ends in ‘le’

gently         terribly

simply         possibly

humbly        incredibly

nobly           comfortably

horribly          probably

Grinshill Class

Thank you for completing amazing Stone Henge models.

The children look like they have had an amazing time making them.

If there is work in homework books on Stone Henge,  I apologise for not making it yet as it was a rather late finish at parents evening last night.

This week I have set a times tables fun activity that is in all the children’s books.




Spellings – week of 15th October 2018 – Grinshill Class

Year 2

Adding -ed, -er and -est to a word ending in -y

copier             copied

happier           happiest

cried               replied

tried                dried

driest               funnier


Year 3

Words with a short /i/ spelt using ‘y’

myth              hymn

gym                system

Egypt             symbol

pyramid          lyric

mystery           typical

Spellings – 8th October 2018

Year 2 –  Common Exception Words

door           climb

floor           parents

again        most

wild          only

children        both


Year 3 – Homophones and Near Homophones

berry         bury

brake       break

meet       meat

ball        bawl

fair        fare

Homework – Grinshill

Homework – Grinshill class – Friday 28th September 2018
This is a project that will take a couple of weeks I want them handed in on Thursday 18th October 2018.
I would like you to build ‘Stone Henge’ on a smaller scale.
You can use any material you like, clay, stones, cardboard or anything else you like.
But it must look like Stone Henge. You will need to do some research on your computer, or we have some books in school to help too.

The children have images in their books to show how it used to look and how it looks now.

I will leave it up to you which model you want to build.
I will still expect spellings, times table and reading to be done too.

Homework – 21st September 2018

Grinshill Class

On Thursday 27th September we will be going on our class trip, so to help us get ready I would like you to do some research.


  1. Can you find out how to make a shelter out of branches, twigs, leaves and moss?
  2. You can include a picture from the internet or one of your own of anything that looks really good.
  3. I would like some sentences of how to make it too please.


Can practice your times tables for a test next week?

Year 2 – 2 times table only

Year 3 – 4 times table only


It is so important that you are reading with your child for at least 10 minutes a night at least 5 days a week.


Can you practice these for their test each Monday morning please. Please use the Look, cover, write, check method that we are using in class. If you are not sure call in to see Mrs Roberts.