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Pimhill Overview Spring 2023

Happy new year and welcome back.

It has been great hearing about the children’s news and what they have been up to during the holidays. During the Christmas holidays I have seen many social media posts about what children do, not what they receive that is important. I can categorically say that what  the children wanted to talk about was what they had done, who they had seen and where they had been. It sounds like you have all had a good holidays.

Here is the overview for the term, As always with EYFS it can be flexible and  the children lead the learning hence the supertato day last term that took place because of their interest in the book.

who lives here (1)

Healthy Helpers

Today, the school council members from Healthy Helpers carried out a Health and Safety audit of the school.

They walked around the entire school with the caretaker Mr Jones and Chair of governors Keith Lister. They made sure the school was safe and identified any issues that may need addressing. The children were very thorough and carried out their roles fantastically.


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