Monday 27th April – Grinshill

Good morning, I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Reading – Fiction Express (Very exciting as its a new book, you get to vote for the next chapter each day)

Read chapter one, complete online quiz then click link for comprehension task.

Comprehension activity chapter 1

Maths – White Rose

Week 2 summer term – day one – adding fractions

If you are a year 4, click on the year 4 maths link.

If you are a year 3 and want to get ready for September then you can also try the year 4 maths.

Daily – weekly spellings – look – cover – write – check

Afternoon – You can still go on ‘Classroom Secrets’ it is free to join at the moment.

I really like what ‘Bitesize’ are doing. Follow the link, and go to daily lessons, there is plenty to choose from. Extra maths, English but also science, music, geography and history.

Try to get out in the fresh air too.

Have a good day!

Mrs Sallie Roberts

Grinshill Class Teacher and Deputy Headteacher