Work for children in isolation

Maths – Try to do these in order, if it has a worksheet I will attach.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 2 work

Day 2 Answers

Day 3

Day 3 work

day 3 answers


Day 4

day 4 work

day 4 answers



In class we have been making a fact file about seals.

You can include sub-headings for each section, such as; behaviour, appearance and eating habits. You can have as many as you like. You must write a short paragraph about each section to include noun phrases, expanded noun phrases and prepositions. You can include pictures and drawings.


You can follow spellings on Grinshill spelling page.

Times Tables

Continue to practise x2, x3, x5, x10

You can play games and complete speed tests to check your understanding.


You can go on Reading Eggs


Yesterday we looked at different rocks – you could go on a rock hunt in your garden, then describe the rocks using scientific language, like; bumpy, smooth, sharp and colourful to name a few. When you have written some sentences you can then draw your rock including colours.


You can go on Education City


We have been looking at the Baptism of Jesus and John the Baptist, you could find the story and draw a picture to explain what happened.


Stone Age – This week we looked at how you would collect food in the Stone Age as hunter gatherers.

  1. If you had a spear what could you eat?
  2. Which foods could you hunt?
  3.  Which foods could you gather?

Write a paragraph about it and a picture.

There will be more work loaded W/C 20th September