Welcome back to school

Dear Parents/Carers

Welcome Back – Autumn Term 2020

We are delighted to have welcomed your children back to school this week.  It has been lovely to see them all and how well they have adapted to the changes we have made recently.  I would also like to say a big thank you to parents for their patience and for helping us with our new routines for drop off and pick up.  We are pleased that so many pupils have come in the new school uniform and think they look really smart in it.  To remind you again, all money (cash or cheques) sent to school must be put into the post box outside the school front door, in a sealed envelope with child’s name and what the payment is for clearly written on.  Sorry but no purses should be sent in.

Could we just remind all parents that during this time we would ask you to keep your child’s PE kit at home.  Children need to come into school in their PE kit on the day they are due to have PE.  Could parents please send their child with their school shoes in a bag to change in to if their trainers are dirty after PE.  Pupils will wear their PE kit all day, just changing from trainers to clean school shoes when necessary.

P.E DAYS are as follows:


HAUGHMOND: Monday and Thursday

GRINSHILL: Monday and Friday

STIPERSTONES: Monday and Thursday

WREKIN: Monday and Friday

We hope the children have enjoyed the beginning of the new school term.

Yours faithfully

Julie Ball

Executive Headteacher

Spellings 3rd September 2020

Year 5 

Words with endings that sound like

/shuhs/ spelt with–cious

vicious gracious spacious malicious precious conscious delicious suspicious atrocious ferocious

Year 6

Ambitious Synonyms: Adjectives

aggressive hostile awkward obstinate desperate frantic disastrous calamitous marvellous


Wrekin Class -Welcome Back!

I am delighted to be welcoming back Wrekin class this term. I know that some pupils will feel anxious, as well as excited, to return, but I want to reassure parents, carers and children that in school we have taken many measures to help them remain safe. The routines have slightly changed, but I am sure we will get used to them quickly!
Wrekin class will enter school at 8.30 and leave at 14.40. Worship will take place remotely for the foreseeable future at 9.30am. Children will enjoy break times at 10.45-11.00, where they will have equipment to play with which is exclusive to our class. At lunchtime, we will start at 11.55 and finish at 12.40.
In Wrekin Class, we will have PE lessons on Monday and Friday -meaning pupils will come in dressed in their PE clothes and remain in them all day. This will start from 7th September.
As a school, we have purchased new and exciting writing and guided reading resources, so we will be starting those this term, and I will be looking forward to seeing some quality writing. In Maths, I will be working with the children to catch -up any gaps and also ensure children are progressing through the Year 5 and Year 6 objectives as appropriate. We will be studying wars through time in history, learning about The Five Pillars of Islam and Jesus The Messiah in RE and in science we will investigate electricity and the heart and lungs. We will have a French lesson with a specialist teacher, look at pitch and rhythm in music, painting in art and structures in DT.
If you are worried or concerned about anything, I urge you to contact me via the school office – I like to know if there are things that could help your children.
I am really excited to be back in class with a whole class and I hope we can have a fantastic start to the academic year!
Mr Field

Wrekin Learning – Thursday 16th July 2020

Good morning Wrekin Class


It is the last day of the school year, and I wanted to say that I have been very proud of your home learning since March.


Here is my final home learning post of the academic  year:



Have a good day,


Mr Field

Wrekin Learning – Tuesday 14th July 2020


I hope you are looking forward to the summer break. I do wish for sunnier weather – it is normally great for the last week of term!


Some learning for today:


Don’t forget to keep up with TTRS and Fiction Express!


Mr F

Wrekin Learning – Thursday 9th July 2020

Good morning all! Remember to keep checking out Newsround:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround


Here are some learning activities for you today:

Have a great day!


Mr Field

Wrekin Learning – Wednesday 8th July 2020

Good morning to those of you working at home today! It has been great to see many of you in school and to speak to those pupils still at home! Remember, if you need anything or you have any worries, please ask your parents to contact me, or speak to a grown-up at school.


Home Learning for today:

I hope you have a great day!


Mr Field

Wrekin Learning Tuesday 7th July 2020

Good morning Wrekin Class,


You may know Kanye West as a rap artist, but he now wants to become US President after Donald Trump! https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/35865562 What do you think?


Here is some work for today:


I hope you have a lovely day!


Mr Field