Wrekin Pupil Work Thursday 2nd April

Good morning Wrekin Class!

I have been into school during the last couple of days – it is very quiet, as you would expect! Belinda is still in cooking those tasty dinners though! If any of you would like to, you could send her a letter or picture – she would love to hear from you!

  • Joe Wicks is still at it! https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 My children have been doing this each day at home – they have even been recording their own fitness workout videos- could you do the same?
  • English – Education City still seems a bit glitchy when I have seen pupils working on it in school, so I will set another comprehension and spelling lesson todayhttps://readingeggspress.co.uk/ – KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Lots of you are working hard on your work; it makes me very proud!
  • Maths – I haven’t set online work today – but I would like you to undertake a fun, practical activity which might help you think about happy times! I want you to plan what you would take on a holiday! Use the internet or a brochure you have at home to plan at least 10 items you might take away on a holiday (choose, camping, beach, city or even a polar break!). Remember – you will need good luggage, some clothes, toys and maybe even a new ipod! Write down the prices in your exercise books, and add them up! What if you get a 10% discount? How much will it cost then? What about 25% off?
  • PSHE – I have found this videohttps://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zjypyrd which is about two boys who were best friends, but one moved away and the importance of keeping in touch – some of you might feel that you are missing friends. Could you write a message to a friend who you are missing to say what you have been up to? You could ask your parents/carers to send it on electronically or by post. Draft a letter in your exercise book, so even if you don’t send it, you can still write down what you want to say to that special friend. Remember to stay safe online if you are sending emails and get your parents’ permission!

Wrekin Work Wednesday 1st April

Happy Wednesday everyone!

I hope you have been able to write some excellent stories – remember to edit them! If you wrote them over the last two days, it is a good idea to go back over them today as this means that you are re-visiting it with ‘fresh eyes’.

  • 9am Joe Wicks Body Coach TV https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
  • English – I have set two assignments on Reading Eggspress https://readingeggspress.com/ I have noticed that many children are completing these, so thank you! If you have not completed these Reading Eggspress challenges, I do leave them active until the following Sunday, so feel free to catch up!
  • Maths – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ Please complete the protractor work: Week 2, Lesson 3, Step 1 THEN Education City – Protractor skills work
  • History – Use this website The School Run – Maya to do more research on The Ancient Maya. Then make an information poster to show off ten amazing facts, picures, diagrams and more! Please send in a photo of your work!

Wrekin Work Tuesday 31st March 2020

Bonjour! Well done for completing your activities yesterday! I hope you had a pleasant day.

You may have noticed this week’s spellings on the Class Spelling Page!

Activities for today:

  • Spellings – See the Wrekin spelling page for this week’s spelling rules – if you feel very enthusiastic, you could have a go at both! Remember to do Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check, put them into sentences and then get an adult to test you – try to build this into your daily activities.
  • English – follow on writing from the previous day (see yesterday’s post if you missed it!)
  • Maths – See Education City – Maths Tuesday 31st March – for your activities today.
  • Science – A revision on Evolution and Inheritance on Education City. You can access each activity on-screen and complete the work into your exercise books – as neatly as possible of course! Once you have seen the Learn Screen about fossils, do a research report about a famous type of fossil, e.g. ammonites OR a famous person who found fossils!

Spellings w/c 30th March 2020

Year 5

Convert nouns or adjectives into verbs using the suffix -en


Year 6

Statutory Spelling Challenge Words


Wrekin Pupil Work Monday 3th March

Good morning – I hope you had a good weekend! The weather has cooled down, but please try to get outside into the garden each day for some fresh air!

Tasks for today:

  • 9am – PE with Joe – I know I keep adding this, but it is great! My children love it because Joe Wicks is really engaging and his activities are fun…and they get the heart beating fast! https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
  • English – rather than using Education City or Reading Eggspress today, I would like to set you a story writing challenge. I am going to give you a story starter and I would like you to write a story (this will be today and tomorrow’s English!)     Keeping watch at the side of the ship, George was tiring; his eyes weary from constantly searching the horizon, were they also playing tricks on him?  What was that waving from the rocks? 
  • Maths – I really like the White Rose maths lessons as they have a useful video and then some worksheets. Remember to click on the correct lesson as there are several on there- click on the ‘Week 1’ menu! These can be copied into your exercise books. You can do both Year 5 and Year 6 maths if you wish!
  • French – Use this activity to learn vocabulary for classroom items (Scroll down to ‘Classroom Labelling in French’ it is the fifith activity down the page)  – then draw a picture of each and write the Englisha and French translation next to it! http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2french.html