Homework – Wednesday 28th April

Please practice times tables this week. Use times tables rockstars, education city.


x 2, x3, x 4 and x6 – combined test on Friday 30th April


Year 4s are going to be entered for the nation Times Tables Test later in the summer – they will need to practice all times tables.

x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12

The ones in bold are the ones we have already learnt in school.


Welcome back! – Summer Term Grinshill Class

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Welcome back to the summer term. It was so lovely to see all the children’s smiling faces this morning.

This term our topic will be the Egyptians. I know that some of the year 4s covered this with me previously, however, they are going to have their own independent projects to work on, to build on prior knowledge.

I would very much like to book a trip for them this term (Government allowing) which I am in the process of investigating – any details I will let you know.

A full overview of what the children will be learning this term is attached here.

I hope the weather is kind to us, so we can enjoy the outside.

Spellings are on the spelling page and will be updated each Monday morning with a test held the following Monday.

Homework will be sent out on a Wednesday. We will not be sending home books, so activities will either be via TEAMS, Education City or Fiction Express.

I will be setting weekly times tables to practise with a test on Friday morning. This week the children are learning  x12 multiplication facts and division facts. Links here for extra practise.



We will be checking with the pupils that they have all their login details over the next few days, if you have any issues accessing these websites, please can you let myself or Mrs Quigley know as soon as possible.

Summer 2021 Egypt

Grinshill Class

Well done to everyone who got online today. We were only missing a couple. Hopefully they will join us tomorrow.

I am very proud of you all,  and the mummy’s and daddy’s that supported you, a nice cup of tea is in order.

Can I remind you that you need to be logged on at 9am, I do need to see you on camera at those chats, it is part of our legal responsibility to check that you are all well.

If you have not downloaded NOTEBOOK please download that in advance for tomorrow.

Remember for science, you will need some food labels, packets that show nutritional information.

Thank you

See you tomorrow

lockdown work Grinshill – Tuesday 5th January 2021(Updates)

Good Morning!

I was really hoping to see you all in the classroom today, but I will be happy knowing you are all staying safe and well.

In the next couple of days I will get a unique password out to you, so that we can do live lessons from the classroom. But until them I will upload work daily. Work will be available from 7am, but I am happy for you to work to your own timetable. When we go to live teaching we will have morning registration and set lessons through out the day. You will also be able to submit work online so I can mark it straight away.

I will be able to explain this process to you in more detail in the next few days.

So, work for today.

I have put spellings on the website under spellings, please do the following;

  1. look, cover, write check at least 5 times for each word.
  2. Look up the meaning of each word and put it into a sentence.
  3. Write out your sentence 3 times to practise your joined handwriting.

Reading – Fiction Express

Little Shop of Ghosts

Read Chapter 1


Then complete quiz


Then complete extension activities, you can do them all or take your pick. (I have been made aware that this link is not working, so try this one instead, I will remove the first one)



Multiplication and Division

Revisiting x2, x4, x8

Please watch the video and complete worksheet. You do not have to print it out, you can work in a book or on paper.




English Writing/ grammar/ punctuation




Now that you have revisited these, (We have covered these in class last term) can you write about your Christmas holidays. Include detail as I would expect; noun phrases, prepositions, mixture of starter sentences, varied punctuation. Remember your gateway keys. Handwritten and uploaded or completed on computer is fine. PLEASE REMEMEBER THAT I WILL STILL EXPECT WORK OF A GOOD STANDARD . SO CHECK IT BEFORE SENDING TO ME. 🙂

Then send to my email for today.


Have a great day!

Mrs Roberts