Monday 4th March 2019

Year 2 – The ‘o’ sound spelt with ‘a’ after ‘w’ or ‘qu’

want         watch

wander      quantity

squash         quality

squabble        squad

quad         quarrel


Year 3  – adding the prefixes ‘bi’ meaning ‘two’ or ‘twice’ and ‘re’ meaning ‘again’ or ‘back’

bicycle              biplane

bisect                bilingual

biannual           reappear

redecorate          reapply

repay            rebuild

Spellings 4th February 2019

Year 2

Common exception words

fast            last

father        class

grass         pass

plant          path

bath            people


Year 3

words with a ‘k’ sound spelt using ‘ch’

scheme          chaos

chorus              stomach

echo                  chemistry

character          orchestra

ache                technology

Spellings 28th January 2019

Year 2

the sound ‘or’ spelt ‘a’ before ‘l’ or ‘ll’

all          ball

call          walk

talk         always

small        wall

fall          altogether


Year 3

creating negative meanings using prefix ‘dis’

dislike              dishonest

disobey             disallow

discolour             disbelieve

discover             disapprove

disappear         discontinue



Spelling practise at home

Can I please remind parents that their child should be practising spellings for about 5 minutes each evening. They can use the look, cover, write, check method.

A few minutes a day really does make a huge difference.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Mrs Roberts

Week of 21st January 2019

Year 2s

adding -ing, -ed, -er, -est, and -y to words of one syllable

patting                              dropping

patted                               dropped

humming                         sadder

hummed                            saddest

runner                                   runny


Year 3s

Words with the prefix mis-

misspell                                    mislead

mistreat                                   misbehave

mistrust                                    misprint

misuse                                      misplace

misheard                                   misread

Homework 23rd November

This week the children have been given a short activity on identifying animals that are either herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. This is what we have been working on in science this week.

Also, there will be a times table test next week, so the children will need to practice the following;

year 2 – 2,3,5,and 10 times table

Year 3 – 2,3,4,6,8,and 10 times table

Could all books be in by next Thursday please.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Roberts

Homework – Grinshill Friday 16th November 2018

As part of the science curriculum we have to study our local environment in each season.

This week we will be going outside to explore our school grounds to see what plant life and animal life we can find.

So, I would like the children to look in their gardens to see what leaves they can see, and perhaps on the way to school. I have included in their books a woodland trust leaf identifier. Maybe, your children could stick in an example of some of the leaves they have found.

Woodland Trust – science homework